2D Toolkit > Releases

2D Toolkit 2.4.0

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Please read the migration guide before updating. 2D Toolkit 2.x is not API compatible with 1.x.

Documentation available at:

Be sure to run "Setup for JavaScript" after importing if you're using JavaScript/UnityScript or Boo.

What's new

* 2D raycast option on tk2dUICamera.
* Custom / Advanced collider shape support. Docs here
* Sprite data unloader enabled by default - should stop / greatly reduce memory leak in editor with png textures
* New UI demo - dynamic list. Shows how a VERY large list of items can be implemented using 2D Toolkit UI. The demo easily handles 100K+ entries, can cope with more if data is streamed in dynamically.
Changed from previous 2.4 betas

* Data driven collections is has been removed from 2.4 final and will be posted on the forum / maybe GitHub separately later. Its unlikely to have enough work done on it to support everything everyone will want, but perhaps could do better with more active user contributions.
Bug fixes and improvements

* Much more robust PNG and platform texture / material unloading in the editor.
* Apply() png textures to save a load of memory
* Sorting layer fix to work around Unity returning "" when it means "Default"
* Regex to grab fonts with spaces in name
* Names for advanced colliders
* Sorting layer on static sprite batcher
* tk2dCamera now works with split screen. Using normalized device coordinates to change viewport will maintain pixel perfection unless told otherwise.
* Separate X and Y tiling option for sprites
* Fixed sprite resizing with negative scales
* Added workaround for Unity bug in 2D mode where textures were reimported incorrectly (streaked alpha regions in demo scenes).
* Fixed png atlases in tilemap editor
* Fixed tk2dTileMap.GetTileFracAtPosition returning out of bounds values
* Fixed tk2dSpriteAnimator ping pong mode

Thank you!!!

Thanks! Your continued work on this is appreciated.



Quick note - I think the migration guide for the 2.0 and up release is now broken?


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