2D Toolkit > Releases

2D Toolkit 2.5.6

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--- Quote from: KronusGT on February 20, 2016, 09:18:46 pm ---I'm getting a warning in Unity 5.3.1 (EDIT: 5.3.2f1 as well) and 2D Toolkit 2.5.6.

DontDestroyOnLoad only work for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.

Double clicking the warning sends me here:

--- Code: ---public static tk2dSystem inst
if (_inst == null)
// Attempt to load the global instance and create one if it doesn't exist
_inst = Resources.Load(assetName, typeof(tk2dSystem)) as tk2dSystem;
if (_inst == null)
_inst = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<tk2dSystem>();
// We don't want to destroy this throughout the lifetime of the game
DontDestroyOnLoad(_inst); //<--- This generates the warning!
return _inst;

--- End code ---

Line 52 of tk2dSystem.cs

--- End quote ---

I'm getting the same warning. It happens on older versions of tk2d in Unity 5.3 and newer too.

Thats safe to ignore, won't cause any issues. Will remove the offending line in the next release.

How can i download it?

You'll need to register on the forum using your invoice number.


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