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2D Toolkit

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Hi there,

--- Code: --->Shader warning in 'Hidden/tk2d/EditorUtility': Use of UNITY_MATRIX_MV is detected. To transform a vertex into view space, consider using UnityObjectToViewPos for better performance.

--- End code ---
This is a one off warning as far as I am aware when Unity upgrades the shader. I can't fix it with defines unfortunately as it still complains about it, and I can't fix it permanently without breaking compatibility with older versions of Unity, which is a shame. The saving grace is its an editor only shader, so it doesn't affect runtime :)

For the other 2, I shall investigate these. Thanks for reporting!


--- Quote from: unikronsoftware on July 23, 2017, 05:10:08 pm ---Hi there,

--- Code: --->Shader warning in 'Hidden/tk2d/EditorUtility': Use of UNITY_MATRIX_MV is detected. To transform a vertex into view space, consider using UnityObjectToViewPos for better performance.

--- End code ---
This is a one off warning as far as I am aware when Unity upgrades the shader. I can't fix it with defines unfortunately as it still complains about it, and I can't fix it permanently without breaking compatibility with older versions of Unity, which is a shame. The saving grace is its an editor only shader, so it doesn't affect runtime :)

For the other 2, I shall investigate these. Thanks for reporting!

--- End quote ---

The other 2 (OnValidate and tk2dSkin) have been resolved now and will be in the next update.


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