2D Toolkit > Releases

2D Toolkit


Please read the migration guide before updating. 2D Toolkit 2.x is not API compatible with 1.x.

Documentation available at:

Be sure to run "Setup for JavaScript" after importing if you're using JavaScript/UnityScript or Boo.

What's new

* Fixed sprite picker in Unity 2017
* Added shader define to stop auto upgrade in > 5.6
* More Unity 2017.1f3 compatibility fixes
* Fixed up Unity 2017.1f3 warnings
* Exported in Unity 5.4. Previous versions of Unity are no longer supported
* Removed tk2dSkin.dll dependency. Dll has been emptied out for backwards compatibility
* Lots of bug fixes and improvements
* Added experimental support for polygon colliders in tilemap. In the tilemap edit page, Edit > Settings > Tile Properties > Use 2D Polygon Colliders to turn this mode on.
Bug fixes and improvements

* Fixed tilemap prefab instantiation bug
* Fixed tk2dCamera rotation issue, added support for WSA
* Fixed issue with some inspectors not saving changes correctly in Unity 5.3+
* Inertial scrolling fix for scrollable area
* Removed platform specific functionality for WebPlayer, WP8 and Flash
* Fixed negative box collider warning
* Fixed input field string doubling up on Android
* Rudimentary physics stripping to remove dependencies to 2D and/or 3D physics
* Fixed deprecation warnings for Unity 5.4 and 5.5
* Fixed texel size when atlas texture is globally scaled 0.5x or 0.25x
* Editor collider rebuilder script - Don't rebuild when sprites have "user defined" colliders set
* Texture importer supports "Sprite" textures as input in Unity 5.5


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