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Support / 2d face on a 3d model, possible to use 2DTK?
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:30:01 am »
We have a 3d model, with a 2d face (https://i.gyazo.com/4dc7866c83295e8ec15171ddb1b1edb4.png) and would like to drive the facial animations using 2d toolkit. Is this possible? Primarily we want to use the animation tools for building and organizing the different keyframes of each animation, controlling number of loops, etc.

Basically we just want to use a skinned mesh renderer, instead of a tk2dSprite to display each frame of an animation.

Support / Is it possible to access all SpriteCollecitons at runtime?
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:52:16 pm »
Is there an API to access all shared SpriteCollections at runtime?

We're trying to implement pallette swapping in our game, using a Shader. Like full 4-color pallette swaps, ala GameBoy Color. So, depending on the Level Loaded, I need to pass some parameters to the material for each spriteCollection.

If I try and set material properties on a specific sprite, the Material gets reverted back to the original, whenever UpdateMaterials() is called in tk2dSprite.

So, what I need to do is access the array of SharedMaterials that tk2d is using, and make my material.SetColor() calls there.

Is there an API to do that? I found ann array of AllCollections them in tk2dSpriteGuiUtility, but it's not accessible in my runtime code. I realize I could probably make a sprite, and change it's sprite collection manually, or link a prefab of each type of sprite, but both of those are pretty hacky.

Support / Can't seem to render pixels perfectly...
« on: August 21, 2014, 06:47:26 pm »
We're struggling to make pixel art render correctly....

Here you can see a dither test, in Photoshop, compared to 2dToolkit:

You can see a distinct grid pattern forming on the image due to pixel distortion.

We're using Orthographic camera, with PPM set to 1 on both the camera and the asset. SpriteCollection is set to Point filtering.

No matter what I do, I can't get this Dither to render with perfection :(

I've scoured the docs, but I can't see a good explanation of the role of TileMapData and TileMapEditorData.

Do these need to be unique for each map we edit?

We've started creating multiple scenes that share the same objects, and are seeing strange behavior, like one scene will suddenly populate with the tilemap from another scene. But then fix itself, when re-opened.

Is this a bug? Or should we be creating unique TileMapData  and TileMapEditorData for each tilemap in each scene?

Support / TileEditor - Flip Horizontal is flipping the artwork
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:04:14 am »
In TileEditor, when we make a stamp, and flip it, the artwork itself is actually being flipped:

You can see how the perspective is totally ruined.

Would it be possible to modify this behavior to only flip the tile positions, but leave the artwork orientation intact?

For now this great feature is unusable due to our isometric look.

Support / Removing deleted Sprites from Paint Palette?
« on: August 15, 2014, 03:36:27 pm »
Originally we stuffed all the sprites in one collection, then decide to break them out. But now, my original tileset is a bit broken in the Tilemap Editor:

It has about 40+ empty tiles, and I can't figure out any way to remove them. I'd just destroy and re-create, but we have built a few maps with this set already.

When I highlight the Data object for the SpriteCollection, you can see a ton of empty array elements are included:

Any way to trim these?

Support / Mesh Sorting Incorrect when using Bottom-Right render order
« on: August 15, 2014, 05:15:37 am »
For some reason, the render mesh's appear to be ordered correctly in the Editor pane, but in the game preview, they are incorrect:

You can see the overlap at the bounds of the mesh.

Seems to be related to the way z-index is assigned. It's currently:
Mesh_0_1 - -1e06
Mesh_1_0 - -3e06

Which looks fine in editor, but is broken in game.

If I manually type in:
Mesh_0_1 - -1e05
Mesh_1_0 - -3e05

It renders correctly. So maybe some weird precision bug with the unity renderer?

I know I can probably fix this at runtime with a simple script, but thought you might like to know.

Support / Sort Method - Rendering incorrectly when using Prefabs
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:03:51 pm »
Our tile set contains some perspective, so we use Sort Method: Bottom Right and are trying to swap an animated Tile in place of the static one using Prefab linkage.

It should looks like this:

But as soon as I commit on the TileMap, it renders like this:

Cab this be fixed? If using the SortMethod to layout tiles, and we swap those tiles with a Prefab, the Sort Method should continue to work.

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