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Topics - ENAY

Pages: [1]
Support / Disabling fog on tk2d sprites only?
« on: June 22, 2012, 12:04:07 pm »
Ok, so we have just added Unity fog into our game, unfortunately the tk2d sprites are also being fogged off. Is there anyway to turn this off and keep them all full brightness without the fog?

Support / Reducing Drawcall rate to 1?
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:48:26 pm »
Is it possible?

By my understanding of Unity, creating a sprite from a single atlas once or 100 times is going to be 1 draw call.
But 5 sprites each using a different atlas, that is going to be 5 drawcalls even just from 5 sprites.

Am I wrong in this theory or does tk2d have some special optimising?

Support / Dicing with multiple atlases?
« on: April 20, 2012, 04:30:37 am »
If there anyway to be able to use dicing but with multiple atlases as well?

For example I have a 450x800 sprite (Android screen size) as my backdrop. Looks ok in Windows or on Mac.

But when I compile on handhelds the sprite goes all pixelated. Looks ok on iPhone4 but earlier iPhones/iPad etc it doesn't look right, big or obscure texture sizes causes the textures to get automatically scaled down and look worse.

If I chop a 256x256 segment out of the backdrop and put that on screen, everything is fine. With your library, you can dice individual sprites into smaller chunks, but only on the same atlas and texture sizes that are smaller than the maximum texture size of the atlas.

I could fix this manually and chop up all my backdrops into 256x256 and create multiple sprites, but it takes time, and then becomes difficult to edit the gfx later since they are all in pieces.

What would be useful is being able to automatically chop up this large image into 256x256 (or however much you specify) and then when you click "Commit" it automatically creates multiple atlases until it has finished.

Is this feature possible, or maybe could be added a future release? Would be very handy for mobile developers not having to worry about texture sizes.

Support / Aligned Text / Real world coordinate size of a TextMesh?
« on: April 10, 2012, 10:58:23 am »
If there a way of returning how wide in Unity coordinates how big in width or height?

Basically a ".GetWidth()" function.

What I want to do is make centrally aligned text so I move the text along by half of the mesh width.

Support / Changing the prerendered text
« on: April 09, 2012, 07:59:16 am »
Ok, just getting started with this library, Ok with Unity so far but am having a few simple problems getting started. Should be ok once I get going. I have a text mesh saying "Hello", I named it as "Text" and placed it in the Hierarchy windows. What I simply want to do is change the text in code.

Basically I want to do something like this:-  (C#)

myText = GameObject.Find("Text");

However this doesn't work. I have seen a _text variable in the tk2dTextMesh.cs, all I want to do is change the text. Maybe I am not fully understanding how these meshes are made and maybe they can't be changed at runtime.

Ideally I want to simply instantiate a prefab from a string text and change it later. Or something similiar to this:-

meshTest = new tk2dTextMesh();
meshTest = tk2dTextMesh.text("moose");

I am trying to make "Score = 000000" with changing numbers.

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction to help me get started.
I hope my question makes sense, thanks for reading.

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