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Topics - Lavaflyer

Pages: [1]
Showcase / Nomad Quest Demo and Kickstarter
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:30:26 pm »
Nomad Quest is an action/adventure game inspired by Zelda. You play a wizard who grows in magical power by conquering dungeons.  Nomad Quest was made entirely with Unity and the help of 2d Toolkit.  Thanks for this great tool.  Please take a look at my new game Nomad Quest which I recently launched on kickstarter and steam greenlight.  Thanks!

Download Nomad Quest Demo at http://parallelgames.net/games/nomad-quest/
Back us on kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1704440101/nomad-quest?ref=video
Vote for us on Steam Greenlight at http://steamcommunity.com//sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=462761947

Nomad Quest is an action/adventure game heavily inspired by the Zelda games of old (primarily The Legend of Zelda and The Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past). The game stars a user-named wizard protagonist. His goal is to grow in magical power by conquering the dungeons around the realm.

  • Explore hand-crafted dungeons filled to the brim with challenging puzzles and monsters
  • Enjoy 16-bit artwork that brings back retro nostalgia
  • Discover unique spells and items that alter gameplay
  • Battle diverse bosses and mini-bosses
  • Earn gold to upgrade your spells and equipment
  • Full controller support (Xbox)

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9iwXLCbfSA

Support / 2d Pathfinding Solution?
« on: January 11, 2015, 10:08:03 pm »
Hi, I'm fairly experienced with 2d toolkit and am looking at making a simple top down Legend of Zelda esc-adventure game.  I've been working on enemy ai, and am looking for the simplest solution to enemy pathfinding.  I've looked into the navigation and navmeshe system built into unity3d, but I don't think that's the way to go.  I've also looked at the A* pathfinding project asset, and it looked too complicated.  Both those solutions were more built for 3d pathfinding.  If anyone could point me in the right direction that'd be great.  Whether it be a new unity package from the asset store or a solution built into unity.  I just need basic real time pathfinding :) thanks!  Oh and I'm using 2d toolkits tilemaps for walls and other obstacles that units will need to find paths around.

Support / Tiled Map Editor Help
« on: August 12, 2014, 02:05:17 am »
So i know these questions might be rather noobish, but I'm creating a topdown rpg tactics game and i was hoping i could use the tiled map editor to lay out the levels then import them into unity with the tk2d tilemap. 

First I was wondering if the tk2d tilemaps support individual colliders.  It looks like to me the only way you can add colliders is through the sprite collection and then the tk2d tilemap just meshes all the colliders that touch eachother into one collider (this could be useful for a sidescroller where the collider(s) is the ground).  I want the user to be able to click on a tile and get its coordinates on a grid.

I was also wondering if anyone knew the best way to get other information from the tmx file.  For example, if some of my tiles are walls and i want them to be considered a blocker then i set that as a tile property in the tiled map editor.  Now what's the best way for me to find that information via unity and c#.  I read somewhere that a tmx file is the same as xml so could i just read that as an xml to get individual tiles properties.

Thanks for the help, if you guys have any other suggestions they are greatly apprechiated.  My game is going to have many levels/scenarios so i want to lay this out the best i possibly can.  Thanks!

Support / tk2dSprite.color = question
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:44:07 pm »
How do you set the color of an sprite based on its existing color?

oObject.GetComponent<tk2dSprite>().color += new Color (0,0,60);
that doesnt seem to work but for some reason this does work:

oObject.GetComponent<tk2dSprite>().color = new Color (0,0,60);
but that just turns the sprite blue and I want to simply "mask"/overlay it in a light blue.  I have this same problem with text meshes and changing the alpha of a color.  Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Support / Rotate tk2dSprite and not its collider
« on: January 27, 2014, 12:11:34 am »
Does anyone know if there is a way to rotate a tk2dsprite (the image) and not rotate its 2dboxcollider.  I'd rather not have to create several png files of one sprite at different angles and I was hoping that there is a way to do this in unity or through scripting.  Anyone got any ideas, thanks!

Support / [Noob, please help] Gravity doesnt work with 1pix=1meter??
« on: January 23, 2014, 01:11:17 am »
So I've been trying out the tile map tutorial (http://unikronsoftware.com/2dtoolkit/doc/2.10/tilemap/tutorial.html).  I'm new to 2d Toolkit and Unity for that matter but I am slightly confused with the gravity settings.  I've seen lots of posts on gravity being too slow because tk2d's camera scales all the sprites up massively resulting in slow gravity.  Many of the people answering the questions told them to go to edit< project settings< physics2d and scale the gravity to what you feel is appropriate.  This seemed to work for those people but no matter how high I put the Y value on gravity it doesn't seem to change too much (if at all, it's like it has hit a maximum).  I've also tried changing the gravity scale on the rigidbody2d component (to no avail).  Oh and by the way I've figured this may be part of the problem.  I've set the pixels per meter on the camera and sprite collection to 1.  I like this setting because it helps me when I'm in Photoshop and can make my assets the right size/size I want them, and I'm used to pixels from other programming languages so I was hoping to not have to change this setting.


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