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Messages - ExCx

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Sprite Scale Animation doesn't work on Web Player
« on: December 10, 2013, 12:11:43 pm »
No, I'm not using any additional scripts. I just use the animation tool directly to change the tk2dsprite.scale values, and it works well in the editor. Can you show me the code piece I should normally use? Maybe that would help.

Support / Sprite Scale Animation doesn't work on Web Player
« on: December 06, 2013, 05:04:38 pm »
I'm animating a tk2d sprite's scale values with Unity's own Animation tool. It works fine in the editor. But when I build for Web Player nothing happens.

Note that I'm talking about SPRITE's scale values. Not the main ones. As they scale the collider as well, it's useless for me.

Support / How to Whiten a Sprite Gradually
« on: September 19, 2013, 02:12:50 pm »
Hi, I need to make a sprite go completely white. I mean like a white silhouette of itself. I can change the shader to do it instantly, but how can I do it gradually?

What should I do? Project is too big to send. Should I zip the whole animation sprites and send you by mail maybe?

Hi, I'm using 2d toolkit for a long time and this is the first time I encountered such a problem.

I got a 100 frame shining light animation covering 2 atlases. It looks fine in the sprite collection editor, but in the sprite animation editor (and in the app itself) it's blurry and pixelated. Here are the screenshots:

This is how one of the sprites seen in Sprite Collection Editor:

And this is the same sprite as a frame in the Animation Editor:

I looked up the quality settings, Texture Quality is at full res. I also tried "premultiplied alpha" option (I always switch it on as default -for smooth sprites/animations-, but I tried both on and off here). Btw, my app is for iOS (iPad).

Support / Cutting/Splitting a Sprite with Mouse/Touch
« on: April 15, 2013, 10:57:35 pm »
Ok, I know, this is a wide question to ask. Maybe this forum isn't a place for this at all. But as I'm fully using 2d Toolkit in my projects, I believe I can find better answers in here rather than those 3d oriented Unity forums.

Anyway, what I'm trying to accomplish in my upcoming project is, splitting a 2d gameobject (2dtk Sprite or a simple quad plane -which would be suitable-) precisely from the traced path (straight or wavy) drawn with a mouse or touch input. After the process, one part will be vanished, while other part is the main object now, that could be splitted in smaller parts.

I'm aware that this could be accomplished with some sophisticated algorithms and such, but the thing is, I'm clueless even about where to start. Should I tweak with shaders (to fake a masking effect) or should I literally split the mesh somehow. Can anyone show me some pointers on this issue? Any piece of idea will be greatly appreciated.

Support / Re: Doing an action on a certain frame (Triggers?)
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:08:32 pm »
Hmm, yeah I set the delegate in Start function now. It works fine. I read about this delegate thing, but I still didn't get it completely, so I'd appreciate if you show me how to cache this delegate in a local variable and use it that way (if it is really advantageous).

Support / Re: Doing an action on a certain frame (Triggers?)
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:49:07 am »
Yeah, I mean, I have triggers on most of my clips, some of them have 5 consecutive triggers, some have only 1. So I need to check them constantly.

For this, I binded the delegate to the following method:

Code: [Select]
void Start () {
anim = GetComponent<tk2dAnimatedSprite>();
spot = GameObject.Find("spot");

void animEvent(tk2dAnimatedSprite sprite, tk2dSpriteAnimationClip clip, tk2dSpriteAnimationFrame frame, int frameNum){
spot.transform.position = new Vector3(frame.eventInt,768,frame.eventFloat);

void Update () {
anim.animationEventDelegate = this.animEvent;

As you can see, triggers are all supposed to change the position of a GameObject (other than self). This concludes in a very slow and problematic experience in Unity's own Game screen (on consecutive triggers) but it ran smoothly on iPad, so I haven't messed with the code further.

If you tell me a more efficient way to control the triggers, I'd be happy to know.

Support / Re: Doing an action on a certain frame (Triggers?)
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:48:09 am »
Oh thanks, I get it now. You should put info about triggers on the online documentation, too.

This also makes me understand how delegates work on C# (I read about them before, but never used). Btw, I'm calling animationEventDelegate at every frame (on Update) to catch all triggers. Is this a good practice?

Support / Doing an action on a certain frame (Triggers?)
« on: March 18, 2013, 10:44:25 am »

I'm a newbie on both Unity and 2d Toolkit, so this is probably a simple thing. I want to run a function when my animation comes to a certain frame. It seems there isn't a way to ask a tk2d animation which frame it is currently on, so I don't know how to do this properly. I noticed these things called "triggers", but can't figure out how to use them (not really sure if they are even relevant in this situation).

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