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Messages - unikronsoftware

Pages: 1 ... 443 444 [445] 446 447 ... 450
Support / Backwards compatibility with Unity 3.4 and below.
« on: February 18, 2012, 09:28:33 pm »
A few things can be done significantly more efficiently (and save a ton of memory) in Unity 3.5 - I am considering dropping support for 3.4 and older versions for these features, but I would like to know what everyone else thinks.

Support / Re: Tilemap Editor Release?
« on: February 18, 2012, 09:23:30 pm »
It will the next big release - just need to get these maintenance ones out of the way first.

The one built in will be a fairly simple thing where you can paint tiles in, cut & paste, etc. The nice thing with how everything works internally, is that you can simply set up polygon colliders for each tile like you do with any normal sprite, and a final collision mesh is automatically built for you from your tilemap, making it real handy for a whole bunch of different things.

Support / Re: Possible to remove a texture from a Collection?
« on: February 18, 2012, 08:12:40 am »
If you delete the texture reference, as in select it and press backspace, it won't be included in the atlas any more. It doesn't look very nice having empty references in your sprite collection, but it does work. I will be adding some nicer UI to that in a future version, so you will be able to delete stuff more properly.

Support / Re: Tk2d last update totally broken
« on: February 18, 2012, 08:10:29 am »
Thanks for letting me know about triangulator, will change file name on the next release. I thought Id caught everything but clearly not :(

 Do you know what in set up for JS didn't work? I would like to fix that if possible.

Unitys awkward handling of compilation order and lack of namespaces and relying on file names for various things is not very nice at all. Let me know if you have any issues and I'll fix it.

Support / Re: Commit and Edit buttons disappeared from sprite collection
« on: February 17, 2012, 07:06:27 am »
Glad you figured it out. I have been stumped by this sort of thing more than once!

Support / Re: Collider size is set to 0 when image is changed on sprite
« on: February 17, 2012, 07:05:53 am »

This is probably because you haven't set up a collider type on all frames - the sprite sets itself to zero when the current frame has no collider set, mainly to avoid destroying and recreating the collider per frame. You need to set up colliders on every frame, as you can have some frames which don't have a collider.


Support / Re: Animating multiple sprites with the same script
« on: February 17, 2012, 06:55:58 am »
Ah that makes sense - no way to tell from the snippet you posted though! Glad you've resolved the issue.

Support / Re: Animating multiple sprites with the same script
« on: February 16, 2012, 09:27:23 pm »
It looks like you're only animating one of the sprites (anim.Play()). You will need to call anim.Play(...) on the other sprite too.

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 1.57 beta 2
« on: February 16, 2012, 06:39:32 pm »
I'm unsure if it will make into version 1.57 - I will have more information about this soon. If you would like a scene demonstrating it without any of the fancy editor bits, let me know in the private support forum and I will post it there.

Support / Re: Reducing the number of animations created
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:10:03 am »
Also, can you please explain the Create Collider option on the animations?  Does this mean I don't have to add a rigidBody or Box Collider to the animated sprite myself?  Do I need to set up the collision boxes on the sprite in the Sprite Collection?

The Create Collider on the animation creates a box collider for the animation by default. This is to avoid any runtime collider creation - the animated sprite object doesn't know what animations are going to be applied to it, and as such, will not be able to work out if it needs a collider. Not all clips within one animation library will have colliders and you can even switch library at runtime, so the best solution for it was to let the user decide if the animated sprite needed a collider or not.


Support / Re: Reducing the number of animations created
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:07:02 am »
I have 30+ different spritesheets that all follow exactly the same animation pattern - 4 directions, 4 frames per direction. 

What I'd LIKE to do is create one animation and one animated sprite prefab with the four directions, then when I instantiate each one via script, tell it which spritesheet to use.  I don't see a way to easily do that - instead, it looks like I have to create an animation for every single one.  I will have several sprite collections, each one with between 6 and 10 of these spritesheets.

Is this right?  Is there an easier way than creating 30+ animations manually?

You would have to create all the animations manually - there isn't really a way around it, I'm afraid. If you named them with numbers at  the end, all you'll need to do is select the first frame and click on AutoFill - that will probably speed up your workflow slightly...

Support / Re: How to Animate Sprite with Script?
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:11:13 am »
I can take a look at this for you - send a zipped project folder by email to support at unikronsoftware dot com.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.57 beta 2
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:00:10 am »
Maintenance release, not feature complete.

BUGFIX:Commit not working properly when there is a static sprite batcher in a prefab
FEATURE:Force resolution in Editor. Lets you force a display resolution - you can shrink the game window and still simulate placement on full resolution
BUGFIX:Fixed bug where sprite collection was being rebuilt a lot more often than it should
FEATURE:Shortcut to "edit sprite collection" directly from sprite
BUGFIX:Memory leak in textmesh & sprite with polygon collider when instantiating and destroying them in game.

Still TODO for 1.57:
Cache normals instead of calling Recalculate normals - will be much faster for materials with custom shaders

Support / Re: Unity 3.5
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:29:55 pm »
That is the main reason. It looks like you are a few versions behind as this was fixed a while ago. Updating will fix it.

Support / Re: Collider Unset - Safe to use?
« on: February 14, 2012, 08:37:52 pm »
Yes that is the right thing to do. The documents aren't particularly clear on this, and I am improving the docs now - I will make sure it is clearer.

The idea with unset is, the sprite has no collider set up, so if you set anything up manually, it will just remain there. The backwards compatiblity comment is in regards to one version of 2D toolkit where if the user upgraded from that version, to make everything behave as it did in the previous version as opposed to the new default behaviour.

Collider type of None does that seemingly bizzare thing - the reasoning behind it is that when you are playing an animation, you could have a few frames with no collider - you can't really reliably disable the collider apart from deleting it (which will cause memory allocations when added again), so it simply moves it far far away and makes it tiny. That way it doesn't need to delete and recreate colliders frequently. One of the things we used it for was for a mario "piranha plant" style monster, where it only triggers the player collider when its fully extended out of the pipe.

Hope that helps.

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