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Topics - kgilbert2

Pages: [1]
Support / What is the correct way to keep camera within tilemap bounds?
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:59:22 pm »

I am new to Unity and 2D Toolkit, with a lot of experience with C#.  I am working on a top down 2D game, using tile maps and sprites.  I have setup the following:

Camera: 16 pixels per meter,  zoom factor of 1.
Tile Sprite / Collection:  16 pixels per meter, tiles are 128x128 pixel.
Tile Map:  15 columns, 15 rows.

Using GuiLabel, I have the following info on screen:

Tile Size X: 6.4, Y: 6.4 -  This is calculated using  tile map data.  I'm not sure if 6.4 is in units/meters.  If I multiply it by 16, is that my tile map bounds?
Cam Max X: 38.4 Y:54.4  -  If I remember correctly this is from the Camera instance's screen extents. 

I am having some trouble getting the camera to stay within the tile map bounds.  Can someone please point me in the right direction? 

Support / How do I get a reference to my tile map?
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:51:07 am »
Hi everyone.

I am new to 2D Toolkit.  My goal is to make a top down 2D game.   To start learning it, I have made a simple script, attached to my camera, to show me the tk2dCamera position using GUILabel, and to get the position for a user's touch on iOS.  I am running into trouble when getting a reference to my "Tilemap" object, cast as a tk2dTileMap. I  attempted to cast by finding it on GameObject, but it is an invalid cast. 

My questions:

What is the correct way to get a tk2dTilemap reference for the Tilemap game object from code?
Would TileMap.GetTileAt() be the correct way to get 0,0 positioned tile if I click in the bottom left corner?

I appreciate any help you are able to offer.

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