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Topics - kurayami88

Pages: [1]
Support / editor textmesh text
« on: March 31, 2014, 04:09:39 pm »
i made an editor-script that would alter the tk2dtexhmesh's text to "some-text" during edit mode...of which the changes shows in the editor window.

however, the changes are reverted once i click play... and the old editor values are also reverted once i un-play the game.
original text = abc
editor script alters the text to -> efg
upon scene play -> text = abc (old value)
upon scene stop-play -> text = abc (old value)
run editor script again -> efg ....

manual editing of tk2dtexhmesh to xyz
editor script alters the text to -> efg
upon scene play -> text = xyz (new manual input value)
upon scene stop-play -> xyz (new manual input value)
run editor script again -> efg ....

but the values of the editor script does not persist even though it was changed... is there like some text value saving / cache somewhere ? of which tk2dtextmesh.text = 'value' does not reflect the cached version?


the reason i have this editor text change is that i am pulling the text from somewhere else during edit mode and i want them to sync rather than me going to the textmesh and updating the values one by one...

Support / tk2dTextMesh Max Char error
« on: February 17, 2014, 02:02:43 pm »
(currently using 2d toolkit v2.3)
Just to let you know that you your "Max Char" does not work when you programmatically set the myText.text = *something more than max char*;

it will throw out lots of


now what is the point of the Max Char if it can't do it's job... oh well... lolx
P.S.> i've tried .Commit(); after setting the text... doesn't help either...

Support / Suggestions : Heirarchy create options for UI
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:57:20 am »
Firstly, I didn't know where to put suggestions so if this is in the wrong section, i'm sorry...


Just wanted to suggest to add UI prefabs to the "create" section of the Hierarchy panel. There current are cameras and sprites prefabs as well as the UIManager (which is currently redundant since it auto-adds itself if there are none...? )

But it's such a hassle following these current steps... "TK2DROOT > tk2dUI_demo > ControlPrefabs > Basic / Layout > UI prefabs you want..."

i know you can fav a directory but that itself is a but of the hassle as the default Project panel itself is not very efficient.


else, perhaps a toolbar menu option ( like the current "2dToolkit" menubar)? there are no prefab stuff there that i know of at the moment. only supplementary stuff that i never found the need to use (yet).

Support / UI raycast zone
« on: January 22, 2014, 05:29:17 pm »

I have setup a camera zone of near -100 far 100...
and have a button in the scene..

However, it seems i am unable to click (interact) with the button if the button's Z-order ( entire object, even if it's the button is a child of another parent object) is in the positive side... z > 0 ...

to further elaborate, the collider of the button is the one outside the world coordinate z > 0 .
if the collider intersects into world coordinate z <= 0 , then it can interact...

i.e., collider size = 10, but falls into z > 0 and no cross over into z <=0 ; e.g. z = 6 thus collider area is from z ( 1 to 11) which is not intersecting z <= 0 ... CANNOT CLICK...

i.e. no2, collider size = 10, and cross over into z <=0 ; e.g. z = 5 thus collider area is from z ( 0 to 10) which is intersecting z = 0 ... thus can click...

i.e. no3, collider size = 0.01, and cross over into z <=0 ; e.g. z = -5 thus collider area is from z ( -4.995 to -5.005) which is within z <= 0 ... thus can click...

extra details, collider z <= 0, but within camera zone ( defined earlier as -100) ; can click....but outside camera zone, e.g. z < -100 then it cannot be clicked...


why is this?
shouldn't the raycast zone follow the camera setting which is from -100 to 100? AKA from A <--> B (and not A to 0)

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