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Topics - outofspace

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Support / How to do Drag and Drop with Scrollview comp.
« on: March 21, 2014, 04:45:15 am »

I'm just learning how to use 2DTK GUI system and was wondering if Drag and Drop is supported.
For example, in NGUI, there is an  drag /drop example from one scroll list to another.  Is this doable with 2DTK. 


Support / Is parallax scrolling system built-in ?
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:39:08 pm »

I'm new to 2D toolkit it quite an awesome package.

I been through the tutorials and docs to find the parallax scrolling feature but could not find it.  Is this something that we have to build ourselves ?

If it's not built-in, it really should be because it's quite a basic feature of 2D games. I looked around and found that Orthello and other 2D frameworks include this basic functionality out of the box.

Would you consider a request to add this feature if it's not already supported.  Having support for this very common functionality would make 2DTK that much more complete and full-featured so that we do not need to look further than 2DTK as the ultimate 2D framework.

Edit: Found a private thread.  Parallax + ortho camera demo, looks like a script that's not part of the toolkit and not well integrated with 2DTK.  Many people in the thread are having a hard time figuring out how to use it.  It would be so nice to offer a well designed Parallax system on par or even better than competing 2D frameworks.



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