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Messages - liyao0602yy

Pages: [1]
Hi,aug,it's so kind of you.
I'll have a try on your suggestion!Thanks so much.

Thanks for your reply,oug!
But if I have many platforms like this in a tiled map,do you mean to disable all colliders above the main character in update()?However what if an enemy is on a platform through which the character should be walking?In this case,we should disable the platform collider for the character as well as enable it for the enemy, which gets conflict.

These things have put me crazy.I even think I'd rather write my game with opengl or directx rather than in unity........

How to make a player jump through a platform from below and stand on the platform after the player falls from above of it?Also,the player should walk through the platform when the platform is in font of it.
I used the tk2dtilemap to create the platform. Is it any easy approaching to handle this?Thanks.

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