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Topics - beardkey

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Support / Fitting button to screen height
« on: August 21, 2013, 09:43:45 pm »
A few quick questions (hopefully) somewhat involving Demo Scene 11 - Camera and Alignment.

1) With the background image, how is it being scaled without scaling the border of the image? I can't seem to figure out what's doing that, or where I can read up on it.

2) Let's say I need two buttons, one on top of the other, maybe with a background or without, which ever is easier. I'd like them to take up the left 10% of the screen at any resolution, stretching from top to bottom. Using camera anchors I can get them to sit in the top left of the screen but I can't seem to find the best way to stretch them without it messing up the text as well (which I would like to remain readable). Any ideas?


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