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Messages - jinyangnet

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Collider Issue in 4.3
« on: December 09, 2013, 02:49:18 pm »
I am also the same problem , add more than 100 PolygonCollider2D...

Had no choice but to Modify UpdateCollider ()  stop continue to increase PolygonCollider2D
PolygonCollider2D [] poly = gameObject.GetComponents ();
if (poly.Length> 0) return;

Hello all,

I am using 2D Toolkit 2.3 with Unity 4.3 and I keep running into an odd issue.
Sometimes when I edit a texture I see 2 different types of "weirdness".

I am using polygon colliders for most game objects and box colliders for simpler objects.
I see these issues when I edit a texture externally (update graphic in Illustrator and export using Photoshop to the Asset folder).

I would like to know the proper process for updating textures as I see the following:

1. If I change the dimensions of the original texture the sprite will have the new texture but the collider will still have the old dimensions. When I edit the collider in the collection everything looks good. When I go back to the editor I can see the collider does not indeed match the dimensions of the sprite.

2. I randomly see huge performance drops and after investigating I found that for some reason my game objects will randomly duplicate the colliders attached to them. Sometimes a single object will have over 30 colliders.

I appreciate any insight on these problems and if I am doing something wrong I could really use some advice on what the proper process is. This has happened at least 3 times now and it is very time consuming to repair the state of my objects.


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