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Messages - AdamWaters

Pages: [1]
Support / Add a Border to a sprite
« on: July 26, 2012, 10:05:31 pm »
Is there an easy way to programmatically add a border around a sprite easily?  This is the type of effect that I am looking for:

The only way that I can think of to pull this off would be to add another set of sprites with the border and toggle between them when needed.

Is there another way?

Support / Re: Rotation Posing from an Isometric View
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:22:26 am »
A single animated sprite can source frames from any number of sprite collections. There isn't any enforced limit on this.
I can't find any documentation on how to do this.

The Collection field on the animated sprite only seems to allow one collection to be selected.  So how would I make this an array or add another?

Support / Re: Rotation Posing from an Isometric View
« on: June 27, 2012, 03:56:00 pm »
As our isometric sprites have grown I'm running into some new problems.

We are hitting the maximum size for a Sprite Collection and I can't find any documents describing ways to get around this.

Can a single animated sprite use multiple collections?
Is there a way to build multiple atlases out of one collection? 

Any guidance is appreciated


Support / Rotation Posing from an Isometric View
« on: April 20, 2012, 04:29:04 pm »
I am trying to figure out if this tool would be good for a game with an isometric view, were the sprites would have to appear to rotate.  They would need to save their frame index when changing to other animations.

I'm not sure of the exact term for this, and I can't find any documentation or examples for using 2D toolkit in this way.

Does anyone have experience or guidance they can offer?

Pages: [1]