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Messages - dmcdonough

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Selection extremely slow after update?
« on: July 18, 2012, 09:48:19 pm »
We got the problem resolved -- in the event this occurs to anyone else, deleting the -tk2d file (the index file) in your project and then restarting Unity will force that index to rebuild. After we did this, our performance was restored.

Support / Selection extremely slow after update?
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:44:34 pm »
After recently updating to the latest version of the kit, we've found that when working in a scene with many (50+) 2dtoolkit sprites, working with them is extremely slow. Just selecting a sprite game object in the Hierarchy can take whole seconds before it registers, and trying to rename or change the game object's parents likewise takes several seconds to complete. This makes working with the kit really frustrating. We saw no issue with 2d toolkit before the update and were very happy with it, and now we're tearing out our hair.

What happened in the recent update that could've caused this?

Support / Re: How to resize a sliced sprite from script
« on: April 30, 2012, 01:39:35 pm »
Just checked, we're still using 1.57 + Patch 1.

For now I'll use the suggestion of multiplying by the texel size, and wait for the 1.7 final to come out.


Support / How to resize a sliced sprite from script
« on: April 27, 2012, 10:01:45 pm »
Docs and reference suggest there's two ways -- changing tk2dSlicedSprite.dimensions and tk2dSlicedSprite.scale. When the sprite was authored, the editor had a field that read "Scale (Pixel Units)" with an X and Y box. I set the X to 14. When the game is running and a certain event happens, I want to expand that by 32. Here's what happens:

If I set the dimensions property to a new Vector2 with that value, nothing happens. The sprite doesn't change. I've tried calling Build() immediately afterwards -- nothing. I can see the value changing in the debugger, but the sprite in the game is not resizing.

If I try to set the scale property, as the inspector suggested might be correct, the scale is actually stored as a very small float: 0.3111 in this instance. So adding 32 to that is, obviously, wrong -- it ends up being 1400+ pixels wide.

The question is: what gives? How are you supposed to do this?

Support / Re: Can't change texture compression settings?
« on: March 09, 2012, 02:50:28 pm »
True, but that's not what I was referring to. When adding a texture to a sprite collection, I see that it gets converted when the collection is committed and built, and that's perfectly fine. What I was noticing was that all my textures were being converted the moment I imported, and couldn't be changed back regardless of whether or not I intended them for use in a sprite collection. This meant, for instance, that small icon textures I was using for custom editors were all getting locked in Truecolor mode and adding unnecessary bloat to the project.

I believe I found the answer, though: in the SimpleUI files there's an AssetProcessor script that overrides the OnPreprocessTexture callback to automatically set the texture import settings. I can't credit why this is necessary, as once again not every texture in my project is meant for use in the final GUI. Commenting out the content of this script allows me to set my textures by hand again, without apparently harming the process in 2D Toolkit of converting them for proper use in sprite collections.

There's no SimpleUI forum that I can find, so I hope others that use that package in conjunction with 2D Toolkit find their way here to comment on the purpose of this script.

Support / Can't change texture compression settings?
« on: March 09, 2012, 02:21:29 pm »
Just installed 2D Toolkit, and suddenly all the textures I import can't be changed from Automatic Truecolor compression. The textures I had imported before I got the toolkit are unchanged, but any new ones I bring in -- including straight duplicated of those pre-existing texture -- are set to Texture Type --> Advanced and can't be changed to anything else. I can't make them GUI textures, can't make them compressed, can't do anything to keep their size down. The only thing I can see that changed was I installed 2D Toolkit and Simple UI for 2D Toolkit.

Has anyone else seen something like this happen?

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