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Topics - pyrobon

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Support / 2D Sprites with Normals and shadows
« on: December 05, 2013, 11:31:54 pm »

I've been struggling with Unity 4.3 sprites. The default shaders can't take normals and after a few days of struggle, a friend shared a shader he wrote to make them compatible (Transparent-cutout-Bumped Diffuse wont work with Sprites gameobjects).
Happy days, my 2D Sprites can now take normals.  The thing is they won't cast shadows no matter what shader they use.
I'm thinking on acquiring 2D toolkit to see If I can have both things, but It's more prudent to ask first.

Does 2D Toolkit sprites have shader that takes normal maps and can it cast shadows from point lights (using deferred lighting, of course)? 

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