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Topics - Der_Kevin

Pages: [1]
Support / How to change Colliders pivot? (Box Custom)
« on: November 03, 2013, 11:46:50 am »

I have a question related to the Box Custom Collider in tk2d

I am currently working on some top down game and for that i need several layers of object on the Y Axis.

But when I am creating a collider (Box Custom) and Set the Collider depth up to 3 the Collider always expands in both sides of the Y axis.

but i want the collider start at the bottom and ends on the rooftop. I already changed the Anchor to Upper Center but this does not work.

Could you please tell me where to change the Settings to make this possible?

Support / 3D Object in a 2D World - Problems with Scaling Factors
« on: October 25, 2013, 07:07:48 pm »
i have a problem, i want to do a 2d racer with 3d car models (because of realistic damage/mesh deformers, looks better when the car flips over and so on...)

so, as i said is the track made of 2d sprites with the help of the awesome 2D toolkit. so when i have my house here for example:

this have a scale factor of 1,1,1... perfect!

but when i put in my car model (which i bought from the asset store) i have to scale it up to a factor of 15,15,15 to make it fit to the rest of the game.
now i put edy's vehicle physics on top of my car and it is moving suuuuper slow. of course, because i scaled it up to 15. if i scale it down to 1 again everything is okay with the driving physics but now my house is way to big.

is there any solution for this?

Support / Sprites always Rotate after use shadow-offset-script
« on: October 23, 2013, 03:16:12 pm »
Hey 2D Toolkit guys!
Iam having a weird problem. I am trying to "fake" a 2d shadow with a little offset script
Code: [Select]
var car : Transform;
var offset : Vector3;
function Update(){
   transform.position = car.position+offset;
   transform.rotation = car.rotation;

so i created a shadow sprite, placed it into my scene put the script on it and pressed play. but suddenly the shadow snapped back to to 0°. I changed it to 90° on the X axis cause I am doing a top down game and the 2dtoolkit usually place the sprites horizontal cause i guess its mainly made for platform games. Which is also a little bit nasty cause i have to rotate the sprite every time i place them to 90° but jeah, i can live with that.#

when I am disabling the Script the shadow stays on the right axis. but as soon as i enable it it snaps back to zero.

here is an image that show you the problem:


Support / Change sprite depending on alingnment/direction
« on: July 12, 2013, 10:56:54 am »
Hey guys.
Iam currently working on a top down racing game and i have a following problem:
I want to change the sprite of my car, based on the direction which it is driving.
why? because i want no real light calculation in my game.

for the movement i just simply use the free unity car tutorial from the asset store, changed the model to a sprite and put a second black and blured sprite underneath it to fake a drop shadow

but still i want to have the illusion of a light so i want to paint the light direct onto the sprite. also it need a tranistion between the changing sprite so that it loooks nice and smooth

here is a small graphic so i can show you what i mean:

the white light is not a light, its just an example for you to see where the sund normaly would come from. but there should be no light in the scene

I would be verry thankfull if you can help me out with that

Pages: [1]