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Topics - drGsus

Pages: [1]
Support / overlay a color completely?
« on: February 27, 2012, 04:07:08 pm »
Hi unikron,

I would like to cause a "blinking" effect, in which a hit enemy starts to blink white. My problem is, that the color value on a sprite, cant really overlay a color over the sprite. White shows me the exact original color values, and every other color modification just change the tint towards the specified color, except black of course.

Is it somehow possible to "overlay" a color over the sprite?


Support / Tilemap Editor Release?
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:50:17 am »
hey guys,

I'm really amazed, by how quickly you pretty much solved every problem I had with the 2D Toolkit initially. A nice script reference, playing animations at a certain frame, etc.
So my kudos to you. The 2D Toolkit really helps me a lot in my project :).

What I would like to know is, when or if you are planning to release the Tilemap Editor? Since I'm currently working on a game, which utilizes tilesets, this feature would be the icing on the cake for me.


Pages: [1]