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Messages - ErayMan

Pages: [1]
It needs to be public to appear in the inspector....

public Transform bullets;

Haha yeah, it slipped my mind... it just goes to show that sometime all you need is to take a step back to see the obvious :)
I'll also look into the transform.position + offset, as the vector.up was just a placeholder for me.

Thanks for your help Unikron; you really are an one man army around here! ;)

Hi! I am new to Unity & 2d Toolkit.
I am trying to Instantiate a new Sprite when Space is pressed.
I have a spaceship (which is an AnimatedSprite) and in the script (C#) associated I have:

Code: [Select]
Transform Bullets;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
Instantiate(Bullets, Vector3.up, Quaternion.identity);

Now it compiles without problem. If I understand correctly, in the Unity's Inspector, while selecting my AnimatedSprite, I should be able to see "Bullets" as an updatable field and be able to select which gameobject I want to use as "Bullets"
Unfortunatly, I cannot find any trace of "Bullets" anywhere in Unity except in the warning telling me that Bullets is never assigned to and will use default value "null".

How can I assign a gameobject (or a Sprite, I assume?) to my global variable "Bullets" declared in the behavior script of an AnimatedSprite?

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