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Messages - Fausto

Pages: [1]
Releases / FPS hit when enabling the TK2DCamera
« on: July 11, 2013, 08:30:28 am »
Hello friends!

That v3 camera is looking quite nice!
I might have found a problem, though. Just imported the beta and noticed a huge fps drop when enabling the tk2d camera.

I created an empty scene, with a single camera and added the tk2dcamera component to it. After hitting play and testing with the tk2dcamera enabled/disabled state, I noticed a huge fps drop when it was enabled (using the absolutely unreliable internal fps counter, but still, something is happening here).

Is it expected? I asked another tk2d user that has Unity Pro and he said that the LateUpdate is taking a lot of time (around 30% in the empty scene).

I recorded the attached gif to demonstrate the behavior.

Nevertheless, loved the new camera and the pixels/meters references. Started using it right away! Already re-commited my sprite sheets to use the right size and everything is working smooth.

Thanks for the update!

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