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Messages - Hapistorique

Pages: [1]
Support / tk2dCamera = infinite scene saving
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:14:50 pm »

When I add a tk2dCamera in my scene, the * icon is always next to the scene name. Every time I leave Unity it ask me to save my progress, even if I just saved.

I don't think it's an important bug, but it's just strange and a little annoying (I might have OCD :p)

Showcase / Re: Ludum Dare 25: The Adventures of Jack Lumber
« on: December 20, 2012, 10:40:28 am »
Huuuhhh Kongregate's design has been modified

Nice game :p

Support / Re: Manage gravity when using tk2dcamera
« on: December 17, 2012, 02:04:45 pm »
OK I'll try it out, I put -300 gravity   :P

Support / Manage gravity when using tk2dcamera
« on: December 17, 2012, 08:25:50 am »

I'd like to know how can you make a good and "realistic" gravity when using the tk2dcamera

The standard gravity is set to -9.81 in Y, but if you want to make a character jumping and falling, it looks like you'r on the moon because the objects are so large

Should I code everything by myself instead of using rigidbody ?

Showcase / Ludum Dare 25 - Flash simulator 2012
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:56:12 am »

I made a game for the LD25, the game was made in less than 48 hours (I submitted it when there was 15 hours left)
The theme was "You are the villain"

You can play it here : http://starbound.fr/ld25/web/play.html

Official page on LD.com :

Support / Re: White border around sprite
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:14:14 pm »
I can't access the link you gave

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Support / Re: OnCollision not triggering with tk2d camera
« on: December 10, 2012, 07:25:37 pm »
No I'm using rigidbody with gravity, I should use kinematic ?

I have the exact same issue with arrows, they should disappear and send damage to the gameobject collided
When the ennemy is moving, it works fine, but when it's standing still it goes right thought it and doesn't trigger oncollisionenter

I tried using rigidbody + kinematic for all but it doesn't do much

EDIT : It seems like it works when using rigidbody without gravity or kinematic or gravity only

Arrow.cs : (moves the arrow, detects collision)
Code: [Select]
void Update () {
transform.Translate(new Vector3(0.01f,0,0));

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col){
//col.gameObject.SendMessage("ChangeHealth", -archerScript.GetAttackPower());

Code to spawn an arrow :
Code: [Select]
public override void Attack(GameObject target){
if (curTarget != null && attackTimer >= attackDelay){
attackTimer = 0;
soundManager.SendMessage("PlayOnce", "meleeAttack");
tk2dSprite newArrow = Instantiate(arrow, new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0), Quaternion.identity) as tk2dSprite;

Support / Re: White border around sprite
« on: December 09, 2012, 03:38:09 pm »
How should the files be exported ?

I am just saving sprites as .png with a transparent background

Support / OnCollision not triggering with tk2d camera
« on: December 09, 2012, 03:24:32 pm »

I have an issue with the tk2d camera, I started using it yesterday and it's really strange :

All the sprites are really large, but the colliders are really small in Z :

Is it supposed to look like that ?

My main issue is with a collider, I'm simply making a fireball spell, when the fireball touch the ground or anything, it destroy itself
So I have this code :

Code: [Select]
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision){
Debug.Log("Fireball collided");

really simple for now, but it's not working, the collision is only detected sometimes, when the other sprite is moving  :-\
All the sprites and the ground cube are on the same layer

If this can help I'm using iTween to move the sprite
Code: [Select]
iTween.MoveTo(newFireBall.gameObject, new Vector3(curMousePosition.x, -0.1f, 0), 5 );
When using rigidbody and leting the object fall by itself to the ground it works fine

Support / White border around sprite
« on: December 08, 2012, 09:39:48 pm »

I have a problem when importing a sprite in Unity and TK2d : there is a small border of 1px around some part of the sprite, like this :

It happens only when the background of the imported image is white in the inspector, but I don't see the reason of this, I'm importing all the images in .png made with photoshop

Do you have any idea on how to fix this ? :/

EDIT : by using the "point" filter I'm getting better result but I'm still getting white points on it :

EDIT 2 : Tried the tk2d camera, but I don't know if it's worth it ? The problem disapear but it's still not perfect, the black pixels are off

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