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Messages - arche-san

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Weird issues when tk2dTilmap script is inside prefab
« on: March 12, 2015, 02:39:50 pm »
Nope, I'm not putting the render data in the prefabs containing the TK2D tilemap script. I've tried and there are anothers weird issues indeed. I consider the render data as an external generated part of the tilemap and for me it doesn't need to be saved into a prefab object, it must be reload or regenerated each time the tilemap is modified. :)

I've got despite everything duplicated render data. It seems that the overridden properties of the prefab are not saved properly. The prefab instance is reset to its original state (from project ressources) instead when the scene start running. The renderData property in the TK2D tilemap script is null and does not match with the already existing render data gameobject available on my scene. That's why today I commit the prefab after any rebuilt and I regenerate the tilemap render data.

Support / Weird issues when tk2dTilmap script is inside prefab
« on: March 11, 2015, 05:18:06 pm »
Hey guys,

I'm working on a top down/zelda video game using TK2D to design grounds and walls. Each room on this game is designed using a TK2D Tilemap script. Then I convert rooms into prefabs and I group them into the same scene to test the final dungeon.

I've got weird disturbing issues when I stored a tk2dTileMap script into a prefab object. The tilemap render data related to script is often (not always) duplicated and the tilemap informations are not saved properly even when I apply the settings of the prefab.

To prevent this, I've made two hacks :
- I destroy the renders data game object with same name at start of Awake method (consequences: the tilemap game object name must be unique)
- I save the prefab automatically when the tilemap is rebuilt in edit mode

I search a better way to fix this. Any ideas ? :)

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