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Topics - Saxi

Pages: [1]
Support / Noob questions
« on: November 23, 2013, 02:34:28 pm »
I'm new to Unity, and purchased 2D Toolkit along with a few other highly recommended assets.

I'm on the fence about using 2D Toolkit or Unity 2D features.  I can see Unity 2D is not quite fully implemented and 2D Toolkit brings some cool stuff.

If going the 2D Toolkit route, I had some questions.

It looks like 2D Toolkit Camera is a the core camera but overloaded with additional functionality.  I assume if using 2D Toolkit the default camera won't offer anything over the 2D Toolkit and it is recommended to stick with your custom camera.

As far as I can see, when using 2D Toolkit you will pack sprites with the toolkit, and would animate them using 2D Toolkit, and the rest you would use Unity for?  I'm not 100% sure where you use 2D Toolkit and where you use Unity, but it seems 2D Toolkit would be camera, sprite packing, fonts, asset swapping, and animation.

Know of any good guides on using 2D Toolkit w/ PlayMaker?

My biggest issue I'm having starting to use Unity is handling multiple aspect ratios.  I want to support all mobile devices and tablets with as little effort as possible and highest fidelity image assets.  Can you point me to a good resource doing this with 2D Toolkit, or explain the best way to do this?

Support / Issues with tutorial
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:53:41 am »
I am trying to do the tutorial, and I am running into problems.

I am on this page:

It asks to create the sprite collection, in the beginning it is having me add all the land items and sky (?) to the Land collection.  Later on the sky and cloud ones are not there (so I assume adding these were a mistake).

I selected the fields and picked dice (all five) and used 64x64.  I removed Cloud/Sky images as I  suspect this is an error.  I have max size 2048 but I still can't create the collection as it says it is too big.
Here is a screenshot:


I am using 4.3.

I have Texture Packer and am a big fan of it.  Is this basically making a sprite sheet that Texture Packer could be used for? 
I would like to go through the tutorial without error, but would likely end up using Texture Packer to make my sheets.

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