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Messages - Pani

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 1.92 beta 2
« on: March 16, 2013, 03:03:08 pm »



Sorry, but I'm still a little confused as to how to import it (new to 2DToolkit in still learning C#). I should probably create a new thread but I'd rather not clutter up the forums with one question threads so it would be great if you could give a quick example. Where do you get tk2dRuntime.SpriteCollectionSize to give the function?

Support / Re: Recently got 2D Toolkit, little lost
« on: March 16, 2013, 12:50:20 pm »
Two more questions rather than making another thread:

1. Is there a way to have a sprite not shrink/stretch to fit? I have some sprites for my GUI for example, two of which is a filled health bar and an empty healthbar. I want to simply trim the filled health bar based on the player's health which I'm doing right now by reducing the scale, but the sprite is also shrinking to fit the new size.
2. Is there a way to clamp a sprites position to a tk2dcamera's local space? Say I have a healthbar sprite, and I have the camera following the player. The healthbar will not camera the screen. How do I make it follow the screen and keep its position in local space? Should I use the same technique as the default cameras where you set up two (one for the GUI and the other for the actual game) or does 2D Toolkit have something specific for this?

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 1.92 beta 2
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:16:10 am »
Was hoping for a TexturePacker feature! The data file exports fine, but how do you import it into 2D Toolkit? Can't seem to find anything regarding it in the sprite collection.

Support / Re: Recently got 2D Toolkit, little lost
« on: March 15, 2013, 10:16:47 am »
Thanks for your help, that answered my question.

Support / Recently got 2D Toolkit, little lost
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:43:46 am »
I've gone through the docs but they don't really explain what the purpose of some functions are, so hopefully someone here can help me with these questions;

1. What is the purpose of animationCompleteDelegate/HitCompleteDelegate? How should it be used? I see it being used in http://www.unikronsoftware.com/2dtoolkit/doc/tutorial/scripting_an_animated_sprite.html but I don't understand what for. Why is it being used for KeyCode.A and not for D or W (which are being set to null)?
2. Is there a way to specifically tell a sprite the direction to flip it in? e.g. FlipX() will flip it in the opposite direction it's in at that moment, but what if I want to specifically say FlipX(0) (left) or FlipX(1) (right) and if it's already flipped in that position it will simply do nothing. Is this possible?
3. Is there a way to repeat a sprite? Say I have a ground sprite. Rather than duplicating it over and over again for my ground, is there a way to simply repeat it in X or Y direction? I'd have thought scale would do this but unfortunately it stretches rather than repeats.


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