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Topics - lukasz.hacura

Pages: [1]
Support / Detect unused sprites in sprite collections project wide
« on: November 04, 2016, 10:59:56 am »

I was just wondering if it's reasonable to implement an editor tool to detect unused sprites in atlases. The idea is to check every prefab which has a tk2dSprite attached to it's game object and create a cross list with sprites in atlases. Maybe this kind of tool was already implemented? Maybe there's some functionality I could use from tk2d to speed up the process? What do you think?

Support / Downscaling atlas texture
« on: November 04, 2016, 10:51:19 am »

We're optimizing our games' memory usage and would like to scale down the source textures to decrease the resulting atlas texture size without any changes in the game (except quality loss). The atlas I'm working on is 2k x 2k  uncompressed. I've already tried to set Rescale parameter value to 0.5 and work with ortho size and sprite scale on Sprite Collection but there's always a problem with sliced sprites. Is there any way to that not breaking every sliced sprite in the game?

Pages: [1]