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Messages - Mozgoid

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Constantly "Rebuilding Index" - Probably VC related
« on: June 13, 2014, 12:55:01 pm »
Hello, may be my problem and it's solution will help somebody.

In our game we had levels that full of various objects(sprites) that placed everywere. I have xml file that converted from psd file. This file have names and positions of objects. My task was write a script that reads that file and place right sprites in right positions. All this must be done in editor mode, and created objects will saved as prefab. Important : we defined platform specific sprite collections, for 1x and 2x platforms.

What i done:
Script has reference to tk2dSpriteCollectionData. He read sprite name from xml; find sprite collection that has definition of sprite with readed name; create  a sprite with right collection and name; add it to the scene.
Here structure of folders where placed sprite collections:
US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1@1x_Data/US_Objects_1@1x  (generated tk2dSpriteCollectionData)
US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1@1x_Data/atlas0 material
US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1@2x_Data/US_Objects_1@2x  (generated tk2dSpriteCollectionData)
US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1@2x_Data/atlas0 material

US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1  (generated tk2dSpriteCollectionData)
US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1@1x (generated tk2dSpriteCollection)
US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1@2x (generated tk2dSpriteCollection)

US/US_Objects_1 (tk2dSpriteCollection)

My script must have reference to tk2dSpriteCollectionData.
If I give him reference to US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1 then it can't find any sprite.
If I give him reference to US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1@1x_Data/US_Objects_1@1x , the script generate my map. Map look fine, but infinite "rebuiding index" starts when I select one of objects. Anyway I don't sure is it good to use platform specific data (US_Objects_1@1x) for generation

My solution:
Before generating a map I deleted platform 2x from sprite collections. And my folders became like this:
US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1  (generated tk2dSpriteCollectionData)
US/US_Objects_1_Data/atlas0 material
US/US_Objects_1 (tk2dSpriteCollection)

In script I give reference to US/US_Objects_1_Data/US_Objects_1.  And generate map. Everything looks fine now. And now I can select any of generated objects. I save this as prefab. And after that I add platform 2x to sprite collection. As result I get generated map that uses platform specific sprites.

May be all this is very specific, but I hope I help  somebody. Sorry for my English :)

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