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Messages - Phuzz

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Tile XY Position not precise [Solved]
« on: September 01, 2015, 11:14:09 am »
Thank you, setting 1ppm on sprite collection settings did it for me  :)

Support / Tile XY Position not precise
« on: September 01, 2015, 10:21:04 am »

I have my 32x32 tiles with the Tilemap partition size X and Y also set to 32, painting the tiles and everything seems ok and visually correct, I would imagine tiles would be at coordinates (0,0)(0,16)(0,32) and so on, but when I get the positions of the tiles the following happens:


That makes every 10th tile set at 160, even though it should be every 8th so I can get my grid based game precise.

My tiles are perfectly 32x32

Am I missing something?

Support / Re: Getting SpriteID into XML
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:06:45 pm »
Great, works very well thank you :)  8)

Support / Getting SpriteID into XML
« on: January 08, 2015, 10:38:16 am »

I recently added XML level loading into my project from this tutorial [http://www.teambrookvale.com/tutorial-xml-level-unity/]


I am not able to get the DeserializedLevelsSaver Class to read the tk2dsprite component in my prefab, so whenever I load a level all transformation is correct and it loads properly, but the sprite is not set because the component is not being saved to XML.

I am Using Playmaker with 2dToolkit, so I use Playmaker actions for everything related to 2dToolkit, but im very new to scripting, that's where the problem lies even though I know its easy.

I am getting a bit confused about getting the sprite ID component into the XML, I know it goes here,

levelXml.items.prefab =    item.name;
levelXml.items.x =       toStringNullIfZero (item.transform.position.x);
levelXml.items.y =       toStringNullIfZero (item.transform.position.y);
levelXml.items.rot =    toStringNullIfZero (item.localRotation.eulerAngles.x);
levelXml.items.scale_x = toStringNullIfOne  (item.localScale.x);
levelXml.items.scale_y = toStringNullIfOne  (item.localScale.y);
levelXml.items.id = ToString ();    <--------------------------------------------------------------- (The missing Part)

Please if someone can spare two minutes of their time and provide me with the missing part "Get sprite ID of current prefab", I am able to manager the other classes, but this is the only pickle.  :-\

Thank you,

Support / Multiresolution Practice, Guidance Please
« on: August 16, 2014, 12:18:41 pm »
So as usual, Developing a game for Android stumbles upon multiple resolution support, I am following a practice where I don't know if its efficient enough or is completely wrong, I am not an experienced programming as I am using visual scripting for my game.

I am using the 2DtkCamera Overrides "Match by Aspect Ratio" to support different aspect ratios, 16:9 - 16:10 - 5:3 , I am setting the HUD and UI to camera anchors and Using Manual Scaling to get the display to look right, so far inside Unity everything seems to work perfect and looks perfect, I do not have the proper devices to test on all resolutions, is this way efficient? any tips and tricks would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Showcase / Re: Game Town for iPhone and iPad
« on: August 09, 2014, 06:28:37 am »
I am an Android user and do not own any apple products, but this looks pretty cool, seeing completed projects like this gives me a mental boost to do better on my current projects. Well Done.  ;D

Pages: [1]