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Messages - madclouds

Pages: 1 [2]
Hello Forum!

I'm excited to be working on my first game with 2D Toolkit!  I could use some help understanding the SpriteAnimation feature and how it does, or does not play with the Unity Animator component?

In my game as you tap the screen, a 2d character runs.  The more you tap, the faster the run.  So the sequence would look like this:  Idle > Walk > Run > Sprint > Usain Bolt Speed - (Based on tapping speed).

I would love some help understanding how to tightly control the animations to give life to the character.  With a Unity Animation Controller, I would use a Speed parameter (float) and have Transitions based on the Speed value (0=idle, 0.1-0.3=walk, 0.3-0.9=run, etc).  I'd probably use a blend tree as well to perfectly match movement and animation.

Do you have any suggestions on the best way to animate my character smoothly through each movement speed using 2d Toolkit?


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