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Messages - schmoey

Pages: [1]
This has all been very cathartic for me.

SOLVED by changing the (tk2dspritecollection).textureParams.name parameter!


Ref http://2dtoolkit.com/forum/index.php/topic,4706.msg21878.html#msg21878

You say "You should rename the sprites in the SpriteCollection... you can't just change the data object..."


Obviously as soon as I post this I figure that bit out... it needs to be in the special editor folder. Dumb unity quirks.

OK so I mark the spritecollection as dirty, set the collection to rebuild, then save the assetdatabase, still nothing. The names have not been updated.

Any idea?

Support / Rebuild collection item names with tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder
« on: December 18, 2017, 03:45:01 pm »
For the life of me I can't seem to call tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.Rebuild, nor figure out why it doesn't come up.

Is there something that's changed? As there are previous references to you stating to call Rebuild after changing tk2dspritecollection item names. I'm doing this to not have to type in everything manually, generating category and names from the source filename.

Using Unity 5.6.1.


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