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Messages - AdamSingle

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Visual sprite editor disappears with upgrade to Unity 4
« on: November 12, 2013, 04:22:21 am »
I know this thread is old, but I'm having this exact issue. Every Sprite Collection I create seems to become a Sprite Collection Data. Or I'm looking at the wrong thing. I can't find a way to open the sprite collection editor to add a sprite to a collection at all. Any help would be great.

And of course the moment I post this I figure it out. Never mind.

Support / Tiny bug in tk2dUITouch
« on: September 11, 2013, 05:07:46 am »
I'm fairly certain I have the latest version (I update just the other day). I have been making some small changes to incorporate handling TUIO input for a project I'm working on. I couldn't get multi touch to work properly. When creating new touches using the constructor that takes data (as opposed to a Touch) all the touch ID's were 0 and every draggable button I touched snapped and attached to the first touch (as you would expect if they all had ID's of 0).
Eventually I managed to spot the tiny typo. This is the line:

this.fingerId = fingerId;

the name of the argument being passed in is fingerID not fingerId. This is assigning the member to itself.

I imagine it has never come up before as this version of the constructor is normally only used for handling mouse input, which you can't do multi touches with.

I wasn't sure where to post this so I hope this was OK.

Very much enjoying the plugin so far. Thank you for the great work.

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