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Topics - courtneyrocks

Pages: [1]
Showcase / [iOS] Freakin' Flies are driving me crazy
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:53:51 am »
Hello 2DTKers,

I published a game on the itunes app store earlier this year and now I have a gameplay trailer to show it off:

Swat flies - Collect coins - Unlock weapons - Go CRAZY!!

Youtube link:

App store link:

This game was created using Unity with 2D Toolkit and Playmaker. I wanted to make something simple in order to learn Unity and ended up on a year long journey to publish this game.

2D Toolkit was invaluable to the creation process. extremely easy and fast to use. I could work up images in Photoshop and have them working in the Unity editor game space in a few minutes.

The game gets very busy at times but runs very smoothly on iPhone 5 and up and iPad 2 and up, which I think has a lot to do with how optimized 2DTK sprites are.

Thanks you so much to the 2DTK team for making such a great product. I am working on a new game now and still using 2DTK as it is so easy to use and works so well with Playmaker.

I would love to hear any questions or comments/feedback - positive or negative.

Keep creating!

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