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Topics - lionelc

Pages: [1]
Support / Touch & Hover simultaneously ?
« on: November 01, 2013, 11:48:54 am »

is there some tricks to use multiTouch and HoverUI Items ? Or is there something similar with 2dtoolkit ?
In my case, I'm having a Pad : leftBtn / rightBtn and actionBtn.

I'd like to activate the pad when my finger hover it (LeftBtn and RightBtn are never working simultaneously. Hovering is perfect to go right>left>right>… with only one finger sliding from one btn to another)
But the actionBtn has to work on press (or hovering, never mind) with Left or Right pressed too.

I tried with 2 UIManager and layers (one for Hover, the other for MultiTouching), but it didn't worked.

Any idea ?
thx :)

Support / Zoom & HUD
« on: October 30, 2013, 02:29:29 pm »

I'd like to use the new Zoom capabilities but I have a HUD. The doc says "It is recommended to use a second camera for HUDs"
My main cam runs script that follow the main character.
My HUD should have buttons and other stuffs.
How can I deal with 2 cams ?

Thx for your help :)

Pages: [1]