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Messages - alex.seeck

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It has been quite a while now since I asked the last time. Has anything changed on that matter? Has some mechanism been implemented for loading textures async before the scene needing them is loaded?

Support / Re: [Unity] 5.2 iOS 9 Metal support
« on: September 24, 2015, 03:40:06 pm »
Thanks for the answer, we found the problem.

The camera in our first scene was set to Don't clear flag for some reason, but with the long time we didn't use the buffers, it didn't do anything.

You can close this done if you want.

Support / Re: [Unity] 5.2 iOS 9 Metal support
« on: September 24, 2015, 11:14:40 am »
We recognized another thing:
When disabling the "Disable depth and stencil buffer" option in Unity's Player Settings, the screen turns black where the TK2D Assets should be visible. And everything that's been slid in by a Spine animation, also using TK2D Atlases, flickers as if the graphics were not cleared. That's totally weird.

Support / [Unity] 5.2 iOS 9 Metal support
« on: September 23, 2015, 11:44:20 am »
Yesterday we struggled with building a game for iOS 9 with Unity 5.2 using 2D Toolkit for the background assets in the very first scene loaded. The "Auto Graphics API" was selected in the player settings, which included Metal and was the problem we solved by removing Metal after switching "Auto Graphics API" off.

I just wanted to cross check if this could be a 2D Toolkit issue since all that is very new?

Support / Re: White sprite rectangles appear after versioning pull
« on: September 21, 2015, 06:55:51 pm »
I managed to find the problem, but don't know how to solve it yet. The Materials loose their reference to their texture for some reason. could you tell me which files are responsible for keeping them intact?

Support / Re: White sprite rectangles appear after versioning pull
« on: September 11, 2015, 09:31:56 am »
right now I don't have the time, but I'll come back to it.

Support / White sprite rectangles appear after versioning pull
« on: September 10, 2015, 10:19:47 am »
Every now and then we seem to have a bug with SpriteCollections and versioning (gitIgnore file is set up properly)

When it appears, pulling from git repository results in an altas showing only white rectangles for the TK2DSprites used. Rebuilding Index does not help, rebuilding the atlas does. But since that happens for every push and pull everyone is constantly pushing and pulling a newly committed atlas.

How is that happening and how can we avoid it.

Ah ok,

thanks for that. Meanwhile I shifted the sprite so the opaque part got split wrapping the transparency in the middle which also worked.

I have a problem with scaling a tiled sprite across a certain distance with a striped line. I calculate the dimensions to scale along the x-axis. If I do this with the stripe, which is half transparent on the left half and half opaque on the right half of the sprite, it seems to be scaling by half the speed because it only takes the actual opaque part into account. As soon as the opaque part is finished it starts immediately with the next at the right position because of the delay in distance.

I don't know how to explain this better.
Is this easy to solve? How do I get it to stretch the mesh across the transparent parts of the texture also? Or is there another way to do this?

Support / Re: [Unity] Animated loading screen during scene load
« on: June 18, 2015, 07:15:07 pm »
So if I'm understanding this correctly:
I use Application.LoadLevelAsync and therefore can play animations, while 2DToolkit is loading all the atlases and I won't get a total freeze during that time?

Support / [Unity] Animated loading screen during scene load
« on: June 18, 2015, 09:30:17 am »
How can one show an animated loading screen while all the atlases are loaded on scene start?

Support / [Unity] Can one change the sorting layer of a TK2DSprite
« on: June 15, 2015, 11:03:32 am »
As simple as that:
Can one access this from script? Will this be implemented if not? I'm kinda stuck, because what I want to do is move a vehicle from the background out of the screen and then move it on somewhere in the front. Because of this limitation I can't fit it in between scene objects

The documentation states, that "tk2dSpriteCollectionData.GetSpriteIdByName" "Returns: Unique Sprite Id. 0 if sprite isn't found."

I'm confused why this version exists. There might be an image with the index 0, so you won't be able to tell of it's empty or actually there, both return 0.
I know there's the overloaded version where you can define a default value for checking.
Wouldn't it be better to leave the index of 0 out of the sprite indexes?

Thank you very much for your insights and thoughts

Thanks for the quick response.

Is a way of using Resources.LoadAsync implemented in 2DToolkit? Or is it possible to manually preload textures before the scene using them is loaded? Right now there seems to be nothing we can do to partially interrupt the loading, or thread it, so we can show something interesting happening to the user while doing so.

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