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Topics - aninocoders

Pages: [1]
Support / 2.0 Migration for Atlas Generation API
« on: August 19, 2013, 08:35:29 am »

Our atlas generator no longer works in 2.1. API changes to tk2dSpriteCollection is not specified anywhere in the Migration Guide. This is the code that no longer compiles:

        private void CreateSpriteCollection(Dictionary<string, string> idAssetsPathMap) {
         // create game object with sprite collection
         GameObject go = new GameObject(spriteCollectionName);
         tk2dSpriteCollection collection = go.AddComponent<tk2dSpriteCollection>();
         collection.version = tk2dSpriteCollection.CURRENT_VERSION;
         UnityEngine.Object p = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(spriteCollectionPath);
           GameObject collectionPrefabGo = PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(go, p, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);
         tk2dSpriteCollection collectionFromPrefab = collectionPrefabGo.GetComponent<tk2dSpriteCollection>();
         // prepare collection parameters
         collectionFromPrefab.textureParams = new tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition[idAssetsPathMap.Count];
         collectionFromPrefab.targetHeight = dataManager.ScreenHeight;
         collectionFromPrefab.targetOrthoSize = 1.0f;
         collectionFromPrefab.maxTextureSize = 2048;
         collectionFromPrefab.forceSquareAtlas = true;
         collectionFromPrefab.textureCompression = this.textureCompression;
         collectionFromPrefab.allowMultipleAtlases = true;
         // add textures to the collection
         int i = 0;
         foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in idAssetsPathMap) {
            Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(entry.Value, typeof(Texture2D));
            collectionFromPrefab.textureParams = new tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition();
            collectionFromPrefab.textureParams.name = entry.Key;
            collectionFromPrefab.textureParams.colliderType = tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.ColliderType.ForceNone;
            collectionFromPrefab.textureParams.texture = texture;

tk2dSpriteCollection.targetHeight (and some others) are no longer public and there's no property or setter that we can use. How do we fix this?

Support / When is the combined mesh generated?
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:51:51 am »
We have an overlay sprite that we fade-in/fade-out whenever we change levels. This is just a simple interpolation of the alpha color and set it unto the sprite. This overlay is implemented as a non destroyable object that persists. What happens is that somehow a combined mesh ("Combined Mesh (root:scene)") is assigned to the MeshFilter of the sprite when the next level is loaded. So whatever color assigned to it no longer changes the color of the sprite.

I don't want this happening. How do I prevent it? It happens automatically.

Support / Create Sprite Collections With Code
« on: April 24, 2013, 07:54:15 am »
Hello Unikron,

I'm building a Unity parser for another game engine. The game engine spouts XML files that we can read. Basically, the whole game can be constructed from these files.

I'm working on a Unity editor for this. The editor will ask for the folder of the XML files, parse these, copy image files, and create game objects on click of a button. Right now, I'm stuck on how to create Sprite Collections with code. Is this possible? I've rummaged through the 2D Toolkit source code. I can see how it goes from Open Editor... I just can't get the code flow when doing it without the editor.

Pages: [1]