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Messages - FabienC

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Weird issues when tk2dTilmap script is inside prefab
« on: March 16, 2015, 12:09:29 pm »
I posted you two repro cases just above.

It was the case on Unity 4.6. It's still broken on Unity 5.

Support / Re: Weird issues when tk2dTilmap script is inside prefab
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:08:42 pm »

I know about this issue.

A quick way to see it :
- Create a game object with a tilemap component
- Set the sprite collection, the tile data and the editor data
- Save the game object as a prefab
- In paint mode, draw something and commit (do not apply on prefab !!!)
- Launch the scene : the tilemap draws nice
- End the scene : the tilemap is already in paint mode Oo
- Commit : BOOM ! All modifications lost.

It's not the only case things start getting messed up :
- Create a game object with a tilemap component
- Set the sprite collection, the tile data and the editor data
- Save the game object as a prefab
- Erase the render data gameobject associated to your tilemap
- Launch the scene : the render data is regenerated
- Launch the scene once more : a new render data is regenerated
- Launch the scene once more : a new render data is regenerated
- Launch the scene once more : a new render data is regenerated

It seems that any modification on the gameobject overriding a prefab's property (the bold-text values on other gameobjects) are lost when playing your scene. The link between prefab and render data is always set back to "null". Any modification on tilemap not applied to its parent prefab is lost. Sometime, layer gameobjects, chunk gameobjects or collider components start duplicating for the same reasons.

For now, I managed to work around this problem but it get sometime really annoying. As prefab system is a core feature of Unity, this problem sounds like a serious issue.

Support / Re: Create tilemap layers at runtime
« on: March 13, 2015, 04:09:29 pm »
Thanks for your help and your advices!

* FabienC take his hat, his wipe and march to adventure.

Btw, if you want to improve your tilemap editor, here is some user feedback :
- It could be nice to link a "custom properties" list in tile data instead of the rigid int, float, string property system (<name, value> with string name and bool, int, float, string or GameObject as value)
- It would be nice to do the same per tile on tilemap to set different parameters for each tile, or at least, make it possible to link a game object to a specific tile.
- It would be really great to make scratchpads accessible in the Inspector in the paint panel in addition to their scene box view. It would make scratchpads much more easy to use as they wouldn't hide your workspace.

I really appreciate your work here, especially for sprite and collisions optimization. I believe you've the best 2D tilemap system available on Unity. I hope you will make it even better :) Thanks a lot for bringing this to us.

Support / Re: Create tilemap layers at runtime
« on: March 12, 2015, 02:26:45 pm »
Thanks for your answers.

Yes, it's the way I've done things and it works just fine.

However, it really slows down my level design work. That's why I'm really interested in generating layers at runtime. You say it's possible but I can't find how to do this in docs. Can you tell me about it ?

Thanks so much !

Support / Create tilemap layers at runtime
« on: March 11, 2015, 04:39:24 pm »
Hi Unikron,

I'm using tk2d and especially tk2dTileMap in a 2D platformer project and I really love the work you've done here !

In that project, I use multiple layers to build my level including a ground layer and several border layers.

The last are the ones I'm concerned about : In order to smooth visual aspect of ground, I generate borders around it at runtime. I need five border layers to do so. And it works really fine :)

The problem : I don't need these layers while building my level in editor mode. I want to create them at runtime but can't find out how. Is there any way to do so ?

Thanks for your answer !

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