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Messages - kebrus

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 2.1 final
« on: July 30, 2013, 03:12:01 pm »
Creating a new scene, adding a new 2dtk camera and saving creates a odd behavior, now the scene always shows up unsaved (with the "*" suffix in the title). I don't know if this is causing any problems but i had unity crash on me and not saving a specific scene that i know for sure it was saved.

Support / Re: Is 2D toolkit the right tool for me?
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:31:37 am »
Thanks for all the replies, tomorrow i'll be discussing this with the rest of the guys and if viable you'll get one more customer ^^

thx again and cheers

Support / Re: Is 2D toolkit the right tool for me?
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:12:14 am »
Thx for the quick answer
  • so the sprites aren't always facing the camera? do i need to rotate them manually to face the camera? its not a big deal, i'm asking just to know how it works
  • what do you mean by multiple sort layers? do i need to specify a group to auto sort the sprites?
  • That is pretty cool
  • thats something i have to consider because i can see it having about 30 to 50 types of different objects at any given time and i'm not sure how good of a job can unity dynamic batching do to reduce the draw calls

so if i understand correctly 2D toolkit uses simple quad polygons to render sprites similarly to what i could accomplish by importing a quad and scripting a spritesheet animator with the extra features of atlasing, workflow and all that jazz, i'm asking this bluntly because i need to understand if it functions similarly to spritemanager (generating the quads on the fly) or if it integrates with how unity functions, i've been burnt before with z-sorting stuff and i see it happening all over again with spritemanager, but if it functions within unity wont it render correctly using the depth buffer? this goes into my question number 2

Support / Is 2D toolkit the right tool for me?
« on: October 21, 2012, 11:04:05 pm »
Hi everyone, sorry if i'm posting in the wrong section.

I have a very simple question, i want to know if 2D toolkit is the right tool for me. I've been trying the free tools like Othello framework and spritemanager 1 for the past few weeks and i've been having some difficulties in integrating them in the workflow pipeline an others regarding performance. I've been looking for the paid versions and i'm still not convinced so now i'm looking into 2D toolkit. but since i can't really try it for myself it's hard to tell if it does what i need.

I'm gonna say what i need and why and hopefully you might have a better answer for me

  • Camera Rotation - the game i'm working uses a isometric perspective (like diablo 2), there are a few stuff on the scene moving around (lets say characters and other objects) i need to be able to lay down all these objects in a plane since they interact with each other using unity physics, all i want i a way to rotate the camera to a plane other than the top down or side view and then move it in its local axis, i managed to make a few changes to spritemanager in order to achieve this but not yet in othello, do i get locked in axis view with 2D toolkit?
  • Sprite Sorting - since i have a few objects moving around they are constantly changing their depth position from each other and from the scene itself, i thought i could simply drop the objects around and let unity take care of it because of how it renders accordingly to the distance of the camera, but batching things together seems to ruin this. SM for instance lets me sort manually with a single sprite manager, but not with other sprites that belong to other sprite managers
  • Atlasing - i have multiple objects with multiple animations i need to save as much space as possible, does 2D Toolkit has some sort spritesheet generator or atlasing that trims the non used alphas but keeps the anchor of the sprite intact? this would save my team a lot of work because the animations are being rendered with extra empty space on all sides
  • Performance - i couldn't really tell how 2D toolkits works, does it reduces draw call and has automatic batching of some sort?

I think these are all the of the major problems i'm having for now, thx in advance for the answer.


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