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Messages - rylgh

Pages: [1]
Support / alpha masking sprites
« on: December 19, 2013, 08:12:51 am »

I'd like to mask off part of sprites with the contents of another sprite.

So for example I've got this sprite and I'd like to mask it with this one
so that this is the result

Is this possible, and if so how would I go about it? I'm not experienced with shaders so I may be missing an obvious method.

Support / Sprites randomly losing connection to their SpriteCollection
« on: April 01, 2013, 12:32:32 am »
This started only recently for me, but I've seen it in both 1.92 final + patch 1 and 1.91 final + patch 1.

Sometimes certain sprites that are displaying fine will stop being visible the next time I run the simulator.
When checking this sprites, I see this:

... and I need to select the sprite collections again.
This last time everything was working fine, then I made an edit to a script and saved, ran the simulator again, and my sprites had lost the connection to their collection (the script wasn't attached to any of the objects in question).

Not sure if I'm doing something silly here, or if this has been reported already, but I'd love to know what I can do to stop it from happening. Thanks!

Support / Re: Two Questions (Camera / Tilebased Movement)
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:05:27 am »
Thanks unikron! It seems like the tearing is gone after trying out the beta. The jitteriness also seems to be improved on iOS, though it remains in the editor. Mind mentioning a couple of the solutions for camera jitter? My frame times do seem to have small spikes pretty often.

Support / Re: Two Questions (Camera / Tilebased Movement)
« on: January 14, 2013, 05:09:35 pm »
I'm in a similar situation (trying to move a tk2dCamera around to keep it centered on the player), but I'm finding that there is significant jittering, and on iOS there is 'tearing' (the appearance of white lines on the edge of the moving player sprite).

Is this to be expected when moving both the camera and the sprites at the same time? Should I be keeping the camera stationary and moving only the world objects, or is there something I can do to reduce the jittering?

Right now I'm simply doing this for my tk2dCamera:
Code: [Select]
_transform.position = new Vector3(_playerTransform.position.x - _width * 0.5f, _playerTransform.position.y - _height * 0.5f, _transform.position.z);while my player is also having its position manipulated in a similar way.

Pages: [1]