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Messages - stve101

Pages: [1]

You shouldn't be getting this error. I can't reproduce it with the current beta version. Would it be possible to send a test case to support at unikronsoftware dot com?


Hey, thanks for your reply!

It turns out it works fine if i attach the scripts within a prefab and i've managed to get it working a charm! I'm only receiving that error when i attached them to a gameobject!

Thanks anyway! I'll post again here if i have anymore queries or issues! :)

Hi all,

When I try to create a Sprite Collection within a gameObject, I'm receiving an error message once I hit the 'commit' button:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException : Argument is out of range.
Parameter name : startIndex

I noticed this error had be brought up on the tk2d thread on the unity forums around 4 weeks ago, but haven't seen any recent developments/fixes and have only just realised this within version 1.56 which i installed yesterday, and it still doesn't appear to have been solved in v1.57 either. I've tried reimporting the package a number of times, as well as updating Unity to 3.5 and trying it in a new project, yet still no success! :(

So, I'm just writing to ask if this error is in the process of being solved and/or if there are any workarounds? The overall aim is to create an animated sprite (I'm following the tk2d documentation which tells me i need to create a sprite collection first). I've attached a picture to show the error in more detail!



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