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Topics - mheydlauf

Pages: [1]
Support / Controlling how TiledSprite tiles
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:59:32 am »

I'm wondering if it's possible to control how a TileSprite tiles.  Specifically I'm interested in:

1. Only tile in X, do not tile in Y
2. HFlip upon tiling instead of repeat (i.e. if I have a sprite that looks like this "-->" when I tile I get this "-->-->" when I'd like to get this "--><--").

Either of those doable with TileSprite?

Many thanks,

Support / A question about performance
« on: June 09, 2014, 06:59:45 pm »

I'm developing a side-scrolling 2D game using 2D toolkit.  For my backgrounds I have 2 layers of city buildings for parallaxing.  Originally I had one SpriteCollection spanning 6 atlases.  Each layer of background was 1 large 2dtkSprite (about 2000x1000).  In order to make things more efficient I broke the background elements down into individual building sprites, and then created Prefabs with multiple sprites side by side to recreate the landscape (some of these smaller sprites are hflipped for variety).  I now have just one atlas for all my backgrounds.

However, since moving to this scheme I've noticed a slight hiccup in performance every once in a while -- just looks like the game drops a few frames intermittently.  Any ideas why going from one large sprite to multiple smaller ones (all in the same collection/atlas) in a prefab might negatively impact performance?

Many thanks for your insight,

Support / Sprite jitter problem from Prefab
« on: January 14, 2014, 08:40:59 pm »

I'm creating a 2d game and have modeled a motorcycle with individual sprites for the frame, wheels and suspension. I had everything working great, then I decided to create a Prefab from the motorcycle so that I could use it as a basis for creating other bikes.

 Once I created a prefab from the motorcycle, I deleted it from the scene, and then readded it via the Prefab. However, now there is an extreme (I mean extreme!) jitter in the wheel and suspension sprites. I can't figure it out. Everything looks identical as to how I had it before I packaged it as a prefab. All of the rigidbodies are set to interpolate.

 Any ideas what might have gotten lost in the Prefab creation process that could result in this pronounced jitter?  All of the sprites are tk2dSprites, but only the wheels and suspension are jittery.  I also made some additions to the sprite collection and moved some image files around, but I've rebuilt the sprite collection a couple times to no avail.  Also, while debugging I can clearly see the sprites out of sync with their underlying colliders.  I'm guessing this is not a 2d Toolkit problem, but I'm really stumped.

 Many thanks for your time,

Support / Rendered size of tk2dTextMesh
« on: January 08, 2014, 05:48:59 am »

I'm trying to create a background for a tk2dTextMesh in my 2d side scroller.  The text of the tk2dTextMesh is set dynamically (it's read from a data file which represents a level in my game).  The tk2dTextMesh is used to show informational messages to the user like "Press spacebar to jump".  Within the game these messages are rendered as sort of street signs or graffiti that are part of the background.

So my question is, how would I scale my sign background so that it fits the bounds of the text?

Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

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