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Topics - bigtunacan

Pages: [1]
Support / Resolution Overrides/Letter boxing
« on: July 03, 2012, 06:29:38 am »
I was playing with resolution overrides to get my game to work with the different Android resolutions.  The issue I run into is I would like to allow my game to letter box; so I will set the resolution override and scale such that it fits perfect in one direction, but letterboxes in the other direction.  What happens though is instead of a good letterbox I see my image is based off of the left rather than center of screen, and also I see everything that is being drawn off screen is now drawing to the right of the screen so it looks bad... any advice?

Support / Sprite Scale
« on: June 17, 2012, 05:27:26 am »
I tried selecting all of my sprites in a sprite collection, setting the scale, then committing the change, but it only changes scale for the last sprite, not all that have been selected.

Support / Font Problems
« on: June 13, 2012, 07:04:05 pm »
I'm trying to create a Font. 

First I tried to create using Hiero since I work primarily on Mac.  I only get a .fnt file from Hiero which I'm not able to use as a texture.  I do not see an option to export to bmp, tga, etc... from Hiero.  So then I moved over to a PC to try creating a font from BMFont.  From BMFont I do not see a way to load my font files which are all in format otf.  Any pointers?

Support / Edit Existing Sprite Collection
« on: April 23, 2012, 06:32:26 pm »
I've run into a problem where I created a sprite collection then later I needed to add some additional images into it.  When I try to drag the images onto the existing sprite collection they do not add.  No error is reported, but the new sprites aren't there.

Support / Collisions
« on: April 21, 2012, 02:03:17 pm »
I'm a bit of a noob to Unity as well as the 2D Toolkit.  I'm trying to do collisions between animations to animations, but I just can't figure out how to script this.  I've created colliders in the editor, but I can't see how to access and use them in the script.

Support / Animation loss
« on: April 19, 2012, 03:10:46 am »
My animations are a set of PNG files that have some up/down movement that occurs during the animation to show a "hover" type of action.  This is being lost when I setup my animations in 2dtk?

Support / Scroll repeating, sprite width?
« on: April 06, 2012, 04:37:26 pm »
I have scrolling backgrounds that need to loop.  In order to do this I need to be able to detect my sprite width so I can add in a new prefab instances to the end of each other.  How can I access this?

Pages: [1]