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Topics - JonDavis23

Pages: [1]
Support / Collisions with small box colliders
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:48:09 pm »
I'm having issues with my rigidbodies falling through each other slightly.

Im creating a boggle clone, with a 5x6 grid of letters. Each letter has a rigid body that is non kinematic, interpolation is Interpolate, and Collision Detection is Continuous Dynmaic. When the user forms a word, the letters are deleted and new ones fall from above. I'm using triggers to determine the row / col position of the letters, this is why I'd like to use rigidbodies.

I'm using rigidbody.MovePosition() to handle movement. Everything worked fine until I tried moving this to the iPhone. On the computer, a Fixed Timestamp of 0.001 works fine, but it crawls on the phone. Updating the Fixed Timestamp between 0.04 - 0.067 greatly increases the speed, but the collisions are no longer accurate.

The box collider size on my tk2dsprite is (.25f, .25f, .25f).  I know this is really small and most likely the cause of my issue, but that size encompasses my letters and anything larger would have too much space between my letters.

Is there a method to check for overlapping sprites in 2D Toolkit?

Any advice on increasing collision accuracy and mainting a good fps would be greatly appreciated.


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