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Topics - fremachuca

Pages: [1]
Support / fix missing texture on sprite collection
« on: January 27, 2014, 04:19:40 pm »
hello there.

i have a 4k x 4k sprite collection with 30+ textures and some dicing. had to move my unity project between 2 computers and reorganize some folders.
now 6 of the textures appear as missing from the sprite collection editor. these textures are still exactly the same as they where, they are simply now in a different folder and have a different name.
i went and clicked on each of the missing textures, and reasigned the textures(through the colletion editor). sweet. everything should work now. but since its a huge atlas it keeps going for minutes after i commit and crashing unity at some point. i can try committing it in a better computer or something, its fine.

but my question is:
shouldnt this be simpler? since the texture is exactly the same as it was before, why does it need to "commit"? it just needs to know where that same texture is now. maybe a save button beside the commit, to make changes that actually dont need to reorganize the atlas, create a new atlas texture or go through crazy mathematical equations that take minutes?

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