2D Toolkit Forum

2D Toolkit => Support => Topic started by: fsadeq on August 28, 2013, 07:30:05 pm

Title: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: fsadeq on August 28, 2013, 07:30:05 pm
FYI http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/199109/Unity_introduces_new_2D_tools.php

I couldn't find the other thread about this, but it's official now. Will be interesting to see what they come up with, and how 2DTK can leverage any new functionalities.
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: unikronsoftware on August 28, 2013, 10:22:38 pm
Having looked at the videos - it looks like its native sprite stuff, atlasing + 2D Physics (yay!) and some animation stuff. About time I say, but I really hope they allow manual atlasing instead of relying on the automatic stuff - we've all seen what happens when you throw a large volume of data at Unity...

Basically the core 2D Toolkit features, but we have a lot more to offer than just that - we'll simply move over to support their system if it makes sense to do so, but they're making it so transform.scale doesn't break batching anymore, which makes things much simpler for normal 2D Toolkit users too.

Our roadmap changes slightly - the priority now is to allow for an easy transition to the native Unity stuff, but at the same time, we'll prioritise things which the Unity stuff doesn't do. Expect more details in the public roadmap soon.
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: profanicus on August 29, 2013, 12:22:33 am
Looks neat; 2d layering system built-in with the tags and standard layers, the auto-slice/poly collide, and little sprite fold-outs look nice too. Seems to be using a familiar 'pixels per unit' system. ;)

In one vid it says something about the animation editor improvements 'making it easier than ever to animate properties' - I am guessing they are not talking about c# properties here...
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: Copywright on August 29, 2013, 02:58:34 am
This could be monumental for 2DTK. A bunch of what if on the Trello Roadmap has been made native. What that means is that we get more 2D features after integration. Isometrics, lighting, mesh deformation, etc.

There will be problems with the 2D system, I'm sure unikron will find places where improvement is needed.

Everyone is already counting tk2d out, I'm actually excited for what's next after integration.
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: WingedS on August 30, 2013, 09:40:33 am
I don't see a point of using Unity's 2D tools if Unikron's going to grab all features and improve on them if necessary. We know that Unikron actively works on this toolkit and also replies really fast to our inquiries, so I'm actually pretty excited on seeing what new stuff we 2dtoolkit users are going to get.
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: fsadeq on August 30, 2013, 12:29:29 pm
I don't see a point of using Unity's 2D tools if Unikron's going to grab all features and improve on them if necessary. We know that Unikron actively works on this toolkit and also replies really fast to our inquiries, so I'm actually pretty excited on seeing what new stuff we 2dtoolkit users are going to get.

I predict glorious things  :)
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: profanicus on August 30, 2013, 12:59:54 pm
Are there any videos around yet of the gui and 2d talks that were on the same day as the keynote?
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: mitralone on August 30, 2013, 07:31:30 pm
I believe once Unity fully releases 2D tools, 2D Toolkit will build on what they offer. Assuming they have hired the creator of Rage Spline, we can expect similar functionality so I guess the road map of 2D Toolkit should also include SVG import and vector editing tools.

Also, I do not think native Unity atlases will be as optimized as 2DTK (I do not expect slicing). Anyhow, I believe 2DTK will still be a very useful tool.
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: fsadeq on August 30, 2013, 11:49:25 pm
Let's not forget the Tilemap editor, which is huge.
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: unikronsoftware on August 31, 2013, 12:02:55 pm
And now I need to find some time to revamp our website. There's just a 1 line mention about the tilemap and UI features in there which is a shame considering the amount of work thats gone into it!
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: profanicus on September 07, 2013, 11:56:42 pm
So the Unite 2d (and gui) videos were released, and they said that the atlas packing was a pro-only feature! Also that 4.3 was now in beta.
Title: Re: New Unity 2D Tools this fall
Post by: x8105 on September 08, 2013, 07:53:25 pm
And now I need to find some time to revamp our website. There's just a 1 line mention about the tilemap and UI features in there which is a shame considering the amount of work thats gone into it!

AGREED!!! I am sure you have plenty of help, but if more is needed there are soldiers awaiting the call... ;)