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Topics - xeriku

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Support / Tilemap Mesh Collider Seams & Sprites
« on: August 12, 2013, 03:22:10 am »

First, I wanted to say that I love 2d toolkit. It is a godsend for dealing with 2d in Unity. I have been getting along just find with the documentation thus far, but I've run into an issue that I cannot figure out. In my tilemap, I was noticing that whenever my sprite was moved against certain collision points, the sprite would slow down (almost as if the drag had been increased on the rigid body). I finally looked at the render data and saw that the locations that these "slow downs" were occurring were against mesh collider seams. I am not sure where to go from here. I have double checked everything that I can think of from making sure my colliders were the same size for each frame on my animated sprite, I'm just not sure why I am experiencing this drag when I come upon mesh collider seams with my sprite. I can confirm that this happens 100% of the time when crossing the mesh collider seams on the tilemap. I have included a picture of my render data as well the settings of the rigid body on my animated sprite along with the collider settings for the tile sprite collection and player sprite collection.

Collider Seams

Animated Sprite Collider and Rigid Body Settings

Tileset Collection Settings

Animate Sprite Collection Settings

The tileset and sprite collider types are all set to Box Trimmed with Render Mesh set to Double Sided. Any and all help is appreciate, if you need more information from me, I would be more than happy to provide it.


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