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Messages - Arges

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 2.0 final
« on: June 01, 2013, 09:20:53 am »
Something I'd noticed on the pre-release and forgot to comment: the clips listed on tk2dSpriteAnimator are sorted on whatever order they were created, but for large libraries it would be useful to have them sorted by name. While this is something we can change on the editor class ourselves, it'd be ideal if the next release has it already to avoid having to do manual merges.


Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 2.0 beta 1
« on: May 26, 2013, 04:06:52 pm »
There isn't a list of animation issues, but since its a beta there could be unknown issues.

How are you calling Play on the animation?
Can you distill this down to a basic repro case to send to support? Obv this is the quickest way to get the issue resolved.

It's a simple "spriteAnimator.PlayFromFrame(clipName, frameNum)".   I stashed the changes to continue moving forward on the project, but will aim to get a small repro case done when I get a bit.

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 2.0 beta 1
« on: May 22, 2013, 11:09:03 am »
Is there a list of known animation issues?  After I converted everything from a tk2dAnimatedSprite to a Sprite Animator, I could not get a specific animation to play.  Digging into the code showed that id from the frame being obtained was on a different clip. I had previously run the integrity checker and it reported everything was OK.  The only thing odd was that Unity 4.1.2 crashed during package import, but it's been doing that more and more often.

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit UI 0.9 Alpha Preview 1
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:05:56 pm »
Are you folks able to get the demo to work in the editor? If so, what version of Unity are you using?

I was able to get it running in editor with Unity 3.5.7f6

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit UI 0.9 Alpha Preview 1
« on: March 14, 2013, 05:22:40 pm »

I'm trying it out, but when attempting to reload a scene on Unity 3.5.7 I get:

Code: [Select]
Found multiple tk2dUITime objects. Do you have more than one tk2dUIManager?
tk2dUITime:.ctor() (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d_UI/Code/Core/tk2dUITime.cs:36)
tk2dUIManager:Awake() (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d_UI/Code/Core/tk2dUIManager.cs:195)

This seems to be because there's a Instance value that is assigned when the first UI Manager is created, but is not cleared when the scene is destroyed.

Seeing as how tk2dUIManager has a reference to a scene-specific object (the camera) does it make sense to have it also be a game-wide singleton?

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