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Messages - Neeko

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Support / tk2dParallaxCamera script + tk2dTileMap, z-index issue
« on: March 09, 2014, 03:31:46 am »
I'm attempting to implement the tk2dParallaxCamera script with tk2dTileMap. The problem I'm facing is that the parallax layer is drawing on top of all other layers (instead of behind), and I can't figure out why. I've followed the example parallax project and everything seems to be in order as far as I can tell.

My tile map is setup as such:

And my cameras:

Do you notice anything wrong? Is there something else I'm not considering? Thanks.

Support / Re: Tile base platformer collision detection?
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:36:39 pm »
Agreed, I've found it nearly impossible to get the feel right when using Box2D. I am currently handling all acceleration and movement manually (most, if not all, objects are kinematic), it's the just collision detection that's been throwing me off. It's good to hear someone else was able to successfully achieve a tile-check based system in Unity.

Support / Tile base platformer collision detection?
« on: February 16, 2014, 02:01:04 pm »
A popular method for doing platformer collision detection in Unity seems to be by raycasting, however whenever I try this, I constantly run into bugs that result in the player falling through collision layers.

I'm at wit's end trying to resolve these bugs, thus since I'm using tk2d's tile map, I'm considering using a more "traditional" method of checking the player's position and desired move amount against nearby tiles, determining what type they are (are they passable, impassable, etc) and altering the player's final movement as appropriate.

I don't see people (at all) using this method, and considering that this method has a long history of being battle proven, I'm curious as why not? Is there some "Unity" road block I don't see that would make this not work? Has anyone here attempted something similar?

Ah, perfect. Kind of obvious, embarrassed I didn't figure that out myself  :-[

Thanks again!

Right, but the issue I'm having is with this line

Code: [Select]
cooldownSprite.ClipFps = CooldownTime;
If CooldownTime is n, as to represent n seconds, what should I set ClipFps to so that the cooldownSprite animation clip also takes n seconds to complete?

I do want to change the rate the animation clip is playing; the sprite is simply a circle with an animation clip that fills itself in of the course of 13 frames. Sometimes I'll want the circle to fill in a faster rate (example, take 10 seconds to complete the animation), other times at a slower rate (60 seconds to complete the animation). 

I have a cooldown timer sprite animator whose animation clip I want to play for a variable number of seconds. So for example one instance the animation clip will take 60 seconds to complete, or take 10 seconds to complete.

I know of the ClipFps property, and I've been fiddling around with it's value, but I can't seem to figure out what I should be setting it at based on the number of seconds I want the clip to take.

Here's a code sample, maybe there's a better way to do this?
Code: [Select]
// Take 60 seconds to cooldown.
CooldownTime = 60f;

private IEnumerator CooldownTimer() {
    cooldownSprite.ClipFps = CooldownTime;
    CooldownFinished = false;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(CooldownTime);
    CooldownFinished = true;

Support / Re: Splitscreen with tk2dCamera using Normalized View Port Rect
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:54:46 pm »
Not yet. I can provide a temp fix if necessary, but making this work in all combinations of things is quite a huge undertaking, probably in the next major release.

I haven't had a chance to investigate a solution myself, but if you have a temp fix to post, that would be awesome  ;D

Support / Re: Splitscreen with tk2dCamera using Normalized View Port Rect
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:31:27 am »
I'm looking to do split screen (up to four players) as well. I know this thread is relatively new, but would love to see any progress on the issue. Thanks!

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