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Support / Atlas 2x textures in MeshRenderer loading with scene
« on: August 14, 2013, 06:51:23 am »
As far as i know, unity at scene loading loads all resources (textures, materials, audioclips, e.t.c.) that has been assigned to script's fields in inspector (all serialized fields). Selecting a sprite in tk2dsprite component on gameobject automatically sets material/atlas texture to its MeshRenderer material. If at sprite selecting time tk2dsystem.currentPlatform is 2x it sets a large atlas texture, and that texture will be loaded with scene loading automatically because it has reference in scene. The first way is setting tk2dSprites with selected 1x platform in editor: at scene loading only 1x textures will be loaded by default, but in short period of time in memory can be loaded both 1x and 2x textures and it may cause a didRecieveMemoryWarning on devices with 2x platform settings. Second way is setting all tk2dSprite's MeshRenderer materials to none and resave scene - then scene has no references to atlases. Is it right?

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