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Topics - Lrateke

Pages: [1]
Support / 2D toolkit camera and Playmaker.
« on: December 07, 2013, 07:33:48 pm »
 I'm using 2D toolkit and Playmaker, I know that Playmaker has a Runtime that works fine with mostly of 2D Toolkit features but I can't find a way to make Playmaker access the 2D Toolkit Camera.
 What I want is to use the Zoom Factor that is available for the 2D toolki Camera, and I can't find way to reach that! Not even with "Set property" I'm finding it.
 May anyone help?

Support / How to change the alpha of a "Sprite from texture".
« on: December 07, 2013, 04:17:28 am »
I'm using a whole texture as a background using "Sprite from Texture" for my game and one thing I want to make is change the alpha of the sprite - like darkening it or making it invisible. How can I make that?

Support / Sprite from texture/ Ipad Background
« on: December 05, 2013, 10:44:11 pm »
I'm new on 2D toolkit.
I'm making a game exclusive for IPAD that uses a whole drawing as background, and for that I'm using "Sprite from texture".
My doubt is about the "size", Which are the difference among "Pixel per meter" and "Explicit"?
Also, if I use a whole drawing as a static background (Every Scene has a Static background, like old Adventure Games) which would be the best configuration for the "Sprite from texture" and the "2dToolkit Camera"?


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